July 1 2023 In Marseille and Throughout France, a Test of Competing Futures and Ideas of Human Being, Meaning, and Value; A Free Society of Equals Versus Fascisms of Blood, Faith, and Soil and Liberty Versus a Carceral State of Force and Control

    Revolt against racist police terror is met with brutal repression of dissent and becomes a gateway to Revolution in France in an echo and reflection of America’s Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, in the wake of the French police murders of nonwhite boys so very like the murder of George Floyd and countless … Continue reading July 1 2023 In Marseille and Throughout France, a Test of Competing Futures and Ideas of Human Being, Meaning, and Value; A Free Society of Equals Versus Fascisms of Blood, Faith, and Soil and Liberty Versus a Carceral State of Force and Control