April 22 2019 Earth Day celebration

     Earth Day celebrates the beauty of nature and our partnerships with one another and the world. And fosters, teaches, and organizes to conserve this harmonious accord.  

     We are connected through our bodies with our partners in the living systems we inhabit, and our choices and decisions over vast epochs of time about how to solve problems of adaptation and growth shape both our own human evolution and that of our ecosystem and all the beings we share it with.

     There is no greater nor more dire limiting factor of our human potential and future becoming than the material world we inhabit and our stewardship of its resources. We are bound together by our needs and desires, mind and nature, negative spaces which define and create each other like Escher’s Drawing Hands.

     To harm our home is to harm ourselves, for our world and its beings are like phantom limbs, through which we extend ourselves into our environment and our future potentialities.

     When such bonds become atavisms and forces which threaten to consume us, vanity, greed, addiction, consumer fetishism, the conversion of ourselves and our environment into wealth and power and the refashioning of our relations into hierarchies of masters and slaves, we must restore the balance.

     How shall this balance be defined, and by what acts can it be restored?

To these ends I refer you to the works of Fritjof Capra on the interdependence of ecological and social issues, and for shrewd analysis of current events and insight on ideological frameworks, see the Green New Deal issue of In These Times:   http://inthesetimes.com/archives/covers_ind/43/05/.

    What may each of us do this very moment to restore the balance of the world and ourselves? Look to the origins of imbalance within ourselves, the inchoate cauldron of emotions wherein fears and desires arise to drive and bind us, the eternal struggle of good and evil in the human heart.

    Here I would speak of the sacredness of life, the loss of the reverential or what Schiller called “the disgodding of nature”, the power of joy and of love to transmute us, of principles which are immanent in nature including freedom and cooperation, autonomous mutualism, the beautiful anarchy and chaos of self-organizing systems, interdependence, and coevolution.

    Above all prescriptions is this; to laugh, love, and seek joy together, to enact the dance of life as a wild and unfallen being, to claim each other and bear the suffering and trials of our common humanity with the responsibility for each other of a member of our great and diverse human family, to learn and become our best selves throughout our entire lives, no matter the source or where it leads.

    We must conserve the wildness of the earth, and also the wildness within ourselves.

     Peace be with us.

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