April 23 2019 on the UN resolution in support of victims of sexual terror as a weapon of war and the misogyny of Trump’s threat of veto

     How shall we answer the suffering of others and the brokenness of the world?

     By refusing to answer cries for help, Trump and the party of misogyny authorize the use of sexual terror in war and enlist its perpetrators as deniable forces of patriarchal repression.

            I’d like to share with you the thoughts of human rights activist Noor Sheikh, wherein she cites specific examples of a general condition, as quoted by Huffpost today:

    “The possibility that the U.S. could veto the resolution is all the more shocking when you consider the contexts described in the report — widespread and systematic gang rapes of Rohingya women and girls in Burma; institutionalized sexual slavery of Yazidi and other minority communities by ISIS in Syria and Iraq; and the rape of young girls in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan by state armed forces and militia groups alike.”

     “Any country denying abortion to women who have become pregnant after rape would be subjecting them to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. By forcing victims of rape to carry the pregnancy caused by their sexual abuse, the U.S. will also be directly contributing to more suffering of countless victims of such violence.”


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