May 6 2019 let us stand united in resistance

In a courageous stand on principles and the rule of law, hundreds of former federal prosecutors and 20 former US attorneys representing a broad spectrum of both Republican and Democrat legal experts issue an open challenge to Traitor Trump and his collaborators.

    Who will save us from this mad tyrant and his subversion of our government?

     Not the government of subversion itself, who sup at the trough of plutocrats and are content to drive their fascist, racist, misogynist, and Gideonite fundamentalist assets and supporters in dismantling America as the realization of the Enlightenment and its ideals of liberty, equality, truth, justice, and a secular nation.

     Not a Republican party which refuses to honor the true mission of conservativism and secure our core values and founding ideals from destruction.

     Not a Democratic party which refuses to challenge and disobey authority when it is unjust and inhumane, and to champion and defend free individuals and our right to create ourselves as we will, regardless of our differences from others.

     Only we can do this, and only if we motivate and direct the ultimate power in any democracy; our vote, our voice, and our Resistance to tyranny.

     Let us stand united and refuse to let our enemies divide us against each other, for we are stronger together and cannot be defeated so long as we remember and hold fast to the idea of America as a free society of equals.

     We must have both a conserving force and a force of revolution and innovation, working together and in concert to shape our adaptation and ability to meet new threats and change over time, without forgetting who we are.  This is true for the survival of all living systems, both in the natural environment and in human societies including those of nations.

      Civilization is a game best played by partners who each play their side of the board in good faith and by the same rules, to create rather than destroy. Conservatives must buffer the shock of the new and preserve continuity of identity and of form as the memory of humanity; revolutionaries must envision and create new forms and possibilities of being human acting as the imagination of humanity, both to solve unknown and unforeseen problems of  survival and to drive onward the project of bettering ourselves and our conditions.

     How can we begin, when we have no Churchill or F.D.R. to rally around? We must each find within ourselves our own Churchill and F.D.R., and rally to one another.

      Let us stand united in Resistance to tyranny, authoritarian state terror, global fascism and foreign infiltration and destabilization, assaults on democracy and our core American values of freedom and equality, and the criminal cabal which has seized our government through treason, subversion, and obstruction of justice.

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