November 22 2020 Normal Doesn’t Live Here Anymore

     One of the things which concerns me about the use of the term normal in the current political moment is its inherent confusion and ambiguity, especially by the Collaborationist wing of the Democratic Party as an apologetics to reclaim their hegemony of power which was shattered and seized by the three successive waves of mass protests which have ruled the streets of America’s cities for a year or so now and handed the Presidency to the miscast champions of revolution and Socialism Biden and Harris; the Black Lives Matter protests for racial justice and equality, a new Green Movement driven by Greta Thunberg’s mass global school strike and the guerilla theatre of Extinction Rebellion calling for economic and ecological justice and championing the Green New Deal as the last, best hope for humankind, and the #metoo movement which preceded them as a social transformation and reckoning of Patriarchy.

     If we squander our opportunity to enact real change with Executive control, if Biden and the fossil structures of a failed system which he represents return us to the conditions which led to the rise of fascism and state tyranny and terror, if we fail to seize our day and reforge the social contract of a free society of equals as the action of our values of liberty, equality, truth, and justice,

     We must be the Party which leads from the front of the three mass movements which have brought us to the White House, and let the Republicans be the Party that cowers from its people in bunkers and behind walls. History has handed us a hammer with which to smash the old and build the new; and to seize it we must abandon normality as the illusion that it is, behind which elite power enslaves us and swindles the public wealth. Always pay attention to the man behind the curtain.

     Normal doesn’t live here anymore.   

     David Walsh disambiguates kinds of normalcy writing in the Boston Review; Last year Joe Biden began his presidential campaign with a simple premise: “I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time.” The question of whether Donald Trump really has been an aberration in U.S. history has dominated political discourse for years, and in the face of both Trump’s incessant antics and the upheavals of the pandemic, Biden positioned himself as the “return to normalcy” candidate. (Before 2020, that political rhetoric was perhaps most closely associated with the presidential campaign of Warren G. Harding a century ago.) Even though Biden himself has walked back some of this language on the campaign trail, it has served as the bedrock of his message. And it worked: it unseated an incumbent president for the first time in nearly three decades, even if with razor-thin margins in some states. But what do these claims of aberration and normalcy actually mean? The simplicity of messaging conceals a multiplicity of interpretations, each with their own implications for politics.

     What do these claims of aberration and normalcy actually mean? The simplicity of messaging conceals a multiplicity of interpretations, each with their own implications for politics.”

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