August 11 2022 The Truths of Our Actions Will Find Their Own Voice; the Case of Trump’s Stolen Historical Record

     A smoking gun of treason has come to light in Trump’s subversion of democracy, failed coup against America, and attempt to steal a second election in the case of his stolen historical record. For the very worst evidence against him is his own record of actions.

    As written by Nick Visser in Huffpost, in an article entitled FBI Reportedly Sought Nuclear Documents During Mar-a-Lago Search; “The FBI reportedly sought classified documents related to nuclear weapons when the bureau searched former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence, Mar-a-Lago, earlier this week, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

     The newspaper, citing people familiar with the search, said the revelation reflects the concern government officials had about the sensitive nature of information Trump and his team took to the resort after he left the White House.

     It’s unclear what type of documents the FBI sought or if they pertained to nuclear weapons belonging to the United States or other countries.

     Attorney General Merrick Garland said Thursday he personally approved the decision for the FBI to seek a search warrant for Mar-a-Lago, adding he had moved for the Department of Justice to make the warrant public. Officials had reportedly been searching for any potentially sensitive classified documents that had been improperly taken to the resort.

     The government’s concern over the documents came after the National Archives earlier this year retrieved 15 boxes of records Trump took with him when he left office. The agency said in February those boxes contained classified information and other materials subject to the Presidential Records Act, which requires such items be turned over to the federal government.

     But officials grew concerned in recent months that the president hadn’t turned over all of the documents he had.

     The New York Times reported Thursday that the Justice Department sent Trump a subpoena seeking any additional classified material last spring.

    The former president and his allies have begun spreading a conspiracy theory that any damaging documents found during the search were planted there by the FBI. The agency’s current director, Christopher Wray, was appointed by Trump in 2017 after Trump fired James Comey.

     The search has widened the ideological chasm over the former president and his continuing influence over American politics. Republicans have denounced the FBI — with some frothing for the agency to be defunded — and Trump supporters have rushed to defend him.

     FBI agents were engaged in a standoff with a gunman in Ohio on Thursday who allegedly tried to force his way into the bureau’s Cincinnati office. The man, who was killed by authorities, had made previous threats against the agency. “

     So we have vanishing Secret Service records of the January 6 Insurrection and a mad idiot ex-President who is a Russian agent and would-be puppet tyrant, who with his co-conspirators dreams of a fascist white ethnostate of patriarchy and Gideonite fundamentalism, robber barons and the plunder of public wealth and resources, now possibly with his finger on the button of unknown nuclear capability, and Oppenheimer’s deadly toy calls to him like an evil jinn in its bottle with its siren song of our doom, whispering; “Set me free, and I’ll make you powerful.”

     Let us remember with clarity the man behind the curtain in this pathetic episode of the Theatre of Cruelty of Our Clown of Terror, Traitor Trump.

      As I wrote in post of August 25 2020, Welcome to Bizarro World, Where Truth and Lies Change Places and All Our Values Are Reversed; The Republican Party held up a mirror to America in the figure of Trump at last night’s National Convention, and I’m hoping most of us didn’t like what we saw.

      A funhouse mirror, filled with distorted images, a thing of surfaces without substance offering a mirage of illusions, lies, and reflections into infinite regress of our atavisms of fear and hate, shadows which we drag behind us in our wake like an invisible reptilian tail, and which like the picture of Dorian Grey reveal our disfigured souls and our failures as Americans and as human beings.

     It is an image designed to terrorize us into submission, and to steal our souls.

      Among the freaks and monsters, the litanies of victimhood and retribution, of dominion, white supremacy, patriarchy, and fascisms of blood, faith, and soil sung by the barkers and screaming johnnies who warmed up the main show, among all these and reigning over them like a ringmaster was the tyrant himself, Traitor Trump, spewing abominations and depravities as the puppet of the demons he worships, the lies of those who would enslave us. 

     Thanks for showing us what’s under your masks, Republicans; Treason, Racism, Untruth, Misogyny, Predator.

      As I wrote in my post of February 12 2021, A History of the American Fourth Reich’s Coup Attempts in Trump’s Covert War Against America; Today the apologists of fascist tyranny and terror present their case in the Second Impeachment of Traitor Trump, as the world reels from the shock and awe of the Democratic prosecution yesterday and the lurid and bizarre details of his plot to decapitate the government, literally with a guillotine and gallows set up by his minions on the capitol lawn and abduction teams festooned with zip ties guided to their targets in both Republican and Democratic parties by infiltration agents among the capitol police and the secret Nazis among our legislature like Senator Josh Hawley.

     But the January 6 Insurrection was far from Trump’s first coup attempt against America. It is in fact his sixth attempted coup, if one does not count the Stolen Election of 2016 itself, whereby a Russian agent bankrolled by the black money of foreign oligarchs used vote suppression and a terrifying new form of propaganda to win election as President of the United States, a Presidency which has never been legitimate and whose sole purpose was the subversion of democracy and the shattering of our institutions of government to prepare for Trump’s assumption of tyranny and the degradation of our nation into a white ethnostate and fascist regime.

      There are many other crimes for which Trump and his collaborators are responsible, and for which the people of America will call them to account if Congress cannot, beginning with the Russian bombs which fell on American troops he had betrayed and abandoned in Syria as he was being sworn into office, and foremost among them the massive death toll of the Pandemic which he downplayed, ignored, and sabotaged the development and deployment of vaccines as an instrument of genocide against the Black Lives Matter protests for equality and justice which were disrupting his plans for white supremacy.   

     The Pandemic and quarantine also served to shut down the Extinction Rebellion and green protests, and as platform denial to disrupt the epochal #metoo movement which bid fair to reverse millennia of patriarchal sexual terror, and buy time for massive corporate profits from theft of public and heritage resources. As a strategy of repression of dissent Trump’s weaponization of the Pandemic has few parallels in the history of tyranny.

     Of special interest in this context are the first three coup attempts, provocations to violence intended to provide a fig leaf for the federal occupation of Democratic led cities.

     Throughout months of sustained protests in over fifty major American cities, the triumvirate of Trump, Barr, and Wolf directed an attempted coup by using white supremacist terrorists, fascist infiltration agents within the police, military, and security services, and other extra-governmental deniable assets as agents provocateurs to disrupt the Black Lives Matter protests throughout our nation in a campaign of arson, vandalism, and random violence, which failed when our military refused to abandon their oaths to the Constitution and occupy America’s cities under martial law.

    This phase of the campaign ended with the June 8 failure to break the People’s Siege of the White House, when Trump ceded victory to democracy and rescinded his order to the military to place America under martial law as an occupation force.

     During the Season of Fire throughout the three months of summer Trump and his cabal of fascists tried the same gambit, enacted this time by a specially formed mercenary force of black ops units of Homeland Security, without any legal authority or existence, who have sworn no oaths to anything and serve only wealth and power, who are without honor or loyalty.

    We witnessed the failure of this phase of the campaign against democracy in the August 30 Assassination of Michael Reinoehl, an Antifascist comrade and American patriot who had returned fire when fired upon the day before, killing a member of the Patriot Prayer organization of Christian Identity and white supremacist terror which had seized the streets of Portland with a motorcade of 600 vehicles filled with armed lunatics, and who was then murdered without trial by an assassination team of secret police at the orders of  Trump’s  strategist of state terror, who plays the role of Molotov to Trump’s Stalin, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf.

     Yet America held the line against terror; there was no massive retaliation against the sacrificial goats of our police and security services deployed in the hope some would be lost to angry mobs in order to capture the narrative and delegitimize the movement for equality and racial justice.

     The total victory of the people and the utter failure of the Fourth Reich to seize power by force was announced in the September Declaration and Articles of Capitulation by the United States declared by Trump and his fascist minions Attorney General William Barr and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf when they publicly admitted defeat of their occupation forces and ceded control to the people of the Autonomous Zones of Portland, Seattle, and New York.

     As humankind weighs the judgement of history for the crimes of Trump as figurehead of the global Fourth Reich, we must never forget that his objectives were always racist and subversive of our values of liberty, equality, truth, and justice.

      Here are some of my posts which document the secret history of America’s Fourth Reich and previous coup attempts by Trump:

     November 5 2020 Trump’s Last Coup Attempt and Subversion of Democracy as His Ship of Fools Sinks in Pathetic Failure; As Trump’s Ship of Fools comes apart at the seams and sinks beneath the waves in pathetic failure, our Clown of Terror collapses in infantile tantrums and tries to take democracy down with him, a final gesture of madness and idiocy in his delusional quest to subvert our values and institutions of liberty and seize tyrannical power.

     We must never forget how close we came to a repeat of the 1933 German Federal Election that set Hitler on the path to a tyranny of absolute power; this is clearly the most important electoral event in the history of humankind since then, and the two elections are terrifyingly parallel. Trump tried three times to use the Black Lives Matter protests to create fear and legitimize the federal occupation of America under the pretext of re-establishing law and order in an exact duplication of Hitler’s successful strategy using the Reichstag Fire, and failed.

     We have escaped the jaws of the Fourth Reich which have held us fast for four years, since the Stolen Election of 2016, while Trump and his cabal of Gideonite fundamentalist patriarchs, white supremacist terrorists, and plutocratic robber barons have violated everything about America which is noble and true, plundered the public wealth, dehumanized and divided us, sabotaged and subverted the institutions of our freedom, equality, truth, and justice, betrayed our allies and emboldened our foes, lost the American hegemony of global power and privilege and our position as a guarantor of democracy and universal human rights  and a beacon of hope to the world.

     Let us never forget the bottomless depravities, treasons, and amoral predation and greed of Trump’s many enablers and conspirators in the Fall of America as we struggle in the years ahead to reclaim our nation and our souls. We must hold them to account, but we must also reimagine our society and the many systemic and structural flaws by which we came to this broken and lost state.

     November 3 2020 One Hundred Years of Racist Vote Suppression and White Supremacist Terror: Anniversary of the Ocoee Massacre; This election has seen attempts at vote suppression unknown in our lifetimes; Trumps mission to subvert democracy includes intimidation by calling for armed white supremacists to deny nonwhite citizens access to the polls, an attack on Biden’s campaign caravan by the Trump Train mobile force, failed assassination attempts against Biden and other political figures, sabotage of the postal system, politization of the Justice department, and his farcical declaration of victory before the vote is counted, among his many treasonous crimes.

     Today liberty and tyranny play for the soul of America and the freedom of the world. 

    I spent some time today at a Trump rally trying to defuse a hate crime in the making. A hey rube went up that a rally staged between our local mosque here in Spokane and a Middle Eastern grocery was becoming a violent mob; while others responded as a protection detail and placed themselves with great courage between potential perpetrators and their victims, I blended into the rally to assess and shape its development as an incubator of violence and work to defuse it through dialog and negotiation.

      Today these angry young men chose not to allow fear, rage, and hate to master and dehumanize them, nor provoke them into violence which would be the ruin of their lives; what will all of the other angry young men choose tomorrow?

     I’d like to believe this incident is atypical and not being played out a thousand times over across America; but I wouldn’t bet on it.

     Tyranny weaponizes overwhelming and generalized fear as an instrument of subjugation. This we must resist, but unless we speak directly to those fears we cannot heal the divisions of our society which authority has so skillfully manipulated.

    Let us begin by recognizing that such cultural divisions have been with us since Pompey Magnus and Julius Caesar. Nor will the healing of our fragmented human image be the work of a single generation, but an ongoing and continual process of the reimagination and transformation of human being, meaning, and value.

    In the words of Sigmund Freud, “Civilization begins when we throw words instead of stones.”  Sadly, we humans have often chosen stones when words would serve us better.

    In all the madness of this election and of the deranged perversions and assaults upon our liberty, equality, truth, and justice of our Clown of Terror, Traitor Trump’s kleptocracy of state terror and tyranny, we must not forget that though he exploited the flaws of our society to orchestrate the Fall of America and of democracy throughout the world, he did not originate them.

     Trump has revealed, tested, and hammered at our flaws, a relentless, depraved, and merciless enemy, and yet we remain unbroken and unconquered. This we should celebrate; in the main we are voting and not shooting, because our faith in one another and in the ideals on which our society is founded remain intact, though the institutions of our government may need radical and revolutionary change.

     Nor is there anything new in the threat to democracy of vote suppression; today is the one hundred year anniversary of the Ocoee Massacre, the most terrible incident of racist vote suppression in the history of our nation since the Civil War. What may give us hope now that failed us then is the emerging consensus of racial equality and the mass coalition for racial justice won for us by the Black Lives Matter movement and the heroic citizens who have seized the streets of our cities in an unparalleled months long mass action.

      Regardless of the election results, anyone who wishes to actually govern must do so at the head of these protests and not barricaded against the will of the people and cowering in the warrens of darkness beneath the White House as has Trump. This is the true meaning of this years seizure of power by our citizens, and it is a genie which cannot be returned to the prison of its lamp, for each of us is now a Living Autonomous Zone.  

     September 29 2020 Trump Attempts to Steal the 2020 Election by Rendering the Vote Meaningless; Having been exposed as a traitor and Russian agent whose mission is the subversion of democracy and the inversion of our values of freedom, equality, truth, and justice, and having failed in no less than three coup attempts this year to seize tyrannical powers by directing his deniable assets among the white supremacist terrorists to disrupt and discredit the Black Lives Matter protests for equality and racial justice by committing arson, looting, and violence, in the first attempts by calling on the National Guard and the Armed Services to occupy our Democratic cities which was ended with their refusal to violate their oaths of service to the Constitution, in the third attempt to send a special force of secret police to enact state terror and tyranny and occupy America with federal troops under the auspices of Homeland Security, which failed utterly as Trump and his fascist minions Attorney General William Barr and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf have publicly admitted defeat of their occupation forces and ceded control to the people of the victorious Autonomous Zones of Portland, Seattle, and New York; having failed in his treasonous conspiracies to seize totalitarian powers by threat of force Trump now attempts to render the vote meaningless by misdirections and distortions of the truth, captured and lost in the myriad reflections, echoes, and false images of his funhouse mirrors of lies.

     Lies are all Trump has; strip him of his Cloak of Illusions and Lies and his true nature as a monster and predator is revealed to the world.

      These are the four primary duties of a citizen in any free society of equals regarding unjust authority; Question Authority, Expose Authority, Mock Authority, Challenge Authority.

     How do you spell Trump? Treason, Racism, Untruth, Misogyny, Predator.

     As Barton Gellman writes in The Atlantic; “The political system may no longer be strong enough to preserve its integrity. It’s a mistake to take for granted that election boards and state legislatures and Congress are capable of drawing lines that ensure a legitimate vote and an orderly transfer of power. We may have to find a way to draw those lines ourselves.”

     “Only once, in 1877, has the Interregnum brought the country to the brink of true collapse. We will find no model in that episode for us now.

     Four states sent rival slates of electors to Congress in the 1876 presidential race between Democrat Samuel Tilden and Republican Rutherford B. Hayes. When a special tribunal blessed the electors for Hayes, Democrats began parliamentary maneuvers to obstruct the electoral count in Congress. Their plan was to run out the clock all the way to Inauguration Day, when the Republican incumbent, Ulysses S. Grant, would have to step down.

     Not until two days before Grant’s term expired did Tilden give in. His concession was based on a repugnant deal for the withdrawal of federal troops from the South, where they were protecting the rights of emancipated Black people. But that was not Tilden’s only inducement.

     The threat of military force was in the air. Grant let it be known that he was prepared to declare martial law in New York, where rumor had it that Tilden planned to be sworn in, and to back the inauguration of Hayes with uniformed troops.

     That is an unsettling precedent for 2021. If our political institutions fail to produce a legitimate president, and if Trump maintains the stalemate into the new year, the chaos candidate and the commander in chief will be one and the same.”

     September 24 2020 Leading the Charge Into the Future: the New York Autonomous Zone; First before all must be the true names of things.

     Words matter. They can divide us, and they can unite us. Words can exalt and defile; they can shape our images and possibilities of becoming human and create or limit the worlds to which we can aspire, they can replace stones we hurl at one another and heal the pathology of our disconnectedness.

     Always treasure words, for they represent the kinds of thoughts we are able to have and harbour imaginal creative power.  We bear them forward as memories, histories, identities, like the shells of fantastic sea creatures; so also do they bear us forward, and await their moment of wakefulness as seeds of becoming.

     In accord with Trump’s directive, the US Department of Justice has designated three cities, including Seattle, Portland, and New York City, as “anarchist” jurisdictions, officially ceding control to the free peoples who have seized their birthright and returned private property to the commons from which it was stolen and legitimacy from the government which has squandered it.

    Henceforth let us call those cities for which power and ownership has been transferred to us by the President of the United States, Attorney General William Barr, and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, by their true names; the New York, Portland, and Seattle Autonomous Zones.

    May they be the first of many, throughout America and the world.

    Let us honor all those who have made the liberation of America from the grip of the Fourth Reich possible, both in their successes and in their sacrifices for the cause of democracy and humankind. Especially our hope for a better world owes a tremendous debt to the New York Autonomous Zone which has led the charge into the future, and the visionary and transformational leaders of the New York Democratic Socialists of America including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for whom I have declared for President of the United States in 2024, Julia Salazar, Alessandra Biaggi, Jamaal Bowman, Jabari Brisport, Phara Souffrant Forrest, Marcela Mitaynes, and Zohran Mamdani.

    Here is my initial response posted on September 21; Thanks for official recognition of public ownership of our areas of control, federal government. Now get out of our cities and leave us in peace.

    Our next step should be establishing international community and conducting independent foreign policy as Free America to counterbalance the imperialist militarism, corporate plutocracy, and fascism of the United States.

      And I personally want a partnership with Cuba so I can get those marvelous cigars.

     This in reaction to the article written by Alan Smith of NBC News; “The Justice Department released a list of cities Monday that it has deemed “anarchist jurisdictions” under President Donald Trump’s instructions this month to review federal funding for local governments in places where violence or vandalism has occurred during protests.

     That memo directed Attorney General William Barr, in consultation with Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, to identify jurisdictions “that have permitted violence and the destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract these criminal activities (anarchist jurisdictions).”

     On Monday, the Justice Department labeled New York City, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle as such areas. It said it was still working to identify other jurisdictions that meet the criteria outlined in Trump’s memo. The president has made ridicule of those cities a regular feature of his campaign appearances, and he has mocked their top officials for their responses to the violence that has taken place during the protests.

     Barr said in a statement accompanying the announcement: “We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance. It is my hope that the cities identified by the Department of Justice today will reverse course and become serious about performing the basic function of government and start protecting their own citizens.”

     As part of its rationale for labeling the cities, the Justice Department cited city councils’ voting to cut police funding, the refusal to prosecute protesters on charges like disorderly conduct and unlawful assembly, the rejection of federal intervention, and injuries suffered by law enforcement officials during violent outbursts.

     New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan issued a joint statement calling the administration’s move “thoroughly political and unconstitutional,” adding that “the president is playing cheap political games with congressionally directed funds.”

     “Our cities are bringing communities together; our cities are pushing forward after fighting back a pandemic and facing the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, all despite recklessness and partisanship from the White House,” the mayors said. “What the Trump administration is engaging in now is more of what we’ve seen all along: shirking responsibility and placing blame elsewhere to cover its failure.”

     New York Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement Monday that Trump is “using the last few months of his presidency to sow more chaos, more hatred, and more fear,” and she pledged to defeat the administration in court over any such withholding of funding to the city and the state.

     “This designation is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to scare Americans into voting for a commander-in-chief who is actually incapable of commanding our nation,” she said, adding that Trump “should be prepared to defend this illegal order in court, which hypocritically lays the groundwork to defund New York and the very types of law enforcement President Trump pretends to care about.”

     Democratic mayors and governors this month bashed Trump over his latest effort aimed at what he calls “Democrat-run” cities and states. They said that it was illegal for the executive branch to unilaterally withhold funding from their jurisdictions and that Trump was merely seeking another distraction from the U.S. coronavirus death toll, which has topped 200,000.

     “It is another attempt to kill New York City,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters during a late-night conference call this month, adding that Trump “better have an army if he thinks he’s going to walk down the streets in New York.”

     Yet there is truth in this wild allegation of anarchy, for in the these and some fifty other cities throughout America protests for equality and racial justice have triumphed over brutal repression and state terror and tyranny to seize actual control of key government administrative landmarks and business districts for over one hundred days now. And the federal government has admitted defeat in their efforts to take our cities from us.

     Therefore I declare victory, and celebrate the triumph of autonomous individuals as citizens of a free society of equals, each of us a Living Autonomous Zone, wild and ungovernable as the tides, a force of nature.

     God Bless America; we’re going to need it.

     August 30 2020 Trump’s Third Coup Attempt Claims A Life In Portland;

“A shockwave runs through our community and our nation with the first documented act of violence by a protestor in three months of action in one thousand seven hundred American cities in all fifty states; like many such incidents, the events are simple to relate but have far reaching consequences. A member of two racist and violent armed militias, the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, shot frozen paintballs from concealment among hundreds of gun waving Trump enthusiasts in a six hundred car column which had descended on Portland from across the country to intimidate and provoke antiracist protestors, and someone in the crowd answered force with force, killing him. 

     I grieve with the family and friends of the slain, for we are all family who are human. This is a loss to us all and to the cause of freedom, for those who would enslave us have divided us against each other and our common interest both as citizens and as human beings.

     In this terrible tragedy let us remember that everyone seduced by the propaganda of hate and fear and by submission to authority is a loss to the cause of liberty and a fellow victim of the state, who has been turned against his own class interest by patriarchy and racism as strategies of division by the plutocratic elite. Those in red hats, the color of the Republican Party which represents the blood of slaves who built this nation and the heroes who gave their lives to liberate them in the Civil War, are victims just as those whom they seek to harm, and represent our failure to reach out to them and help them to overcome overwhelming and generalized fear and to embrace others who are different from themselves as fellow Americans and as bothers and sisters in our diverse human family.

     And with this first violent act by a protestor who in a subsequent filmed interview claimed to have returned fire when fired upon in what he believed was a murder attempt, justifiable self defense by any standard, an incident which the police have reconstructed and resequenced using city surveillance camera evidence as an entirely different story, one in which he ambushes a victim chosen at random long after the motorcade has left and night has fallen, clearly murder if true, and who the police assassinated to silence, a Rashomon Gate tale of confusion, relative truths, and unreliable witnesses, we have crossed a line which may be difficult to recover, and taken the fate of our nation down a much darker path.

       The scope of choices in our possible futures and the destiny of humankind became lesser today.

       This was the intention of Trump and the Fourth Reich of state terror and tyranny in organizing and directing a huge six hundred car caravan of fanatical followers brandishing guns to intimidate and provoke protestors into violent reaction, as with the white supremacist militia and their infiltration agents within the police force throughout our nation during the past three months of the Season of Fire who have committed arson, looting, and violence as agents provocateurs to discredit and capture the narrative of the protests and provide a causus belli for the federal occupation of Democratic cities. Trump set out his followers as stalking goats, hoping some would die.

     If you point a gun or what looks like one at Americans to threaten and intimidate us, we will not submit; we will resist. If you shoot at us, we will reply in kind. If you send secret police in unmarked cars and in sterile uniforms without badges identifying them as officers of the law to kidnap and terrorize us, we will ambush and capture them. If you come to our cities to steal our rights as citizens to speak and organize against injustice, we will identify you and come to your home in return.

     Trump and his strategist of state terror Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf know this, and are counting on it. This is pivotal to the Fourth Reich’s plan to overthrow democracy; they want to start a race war, and we must not take the bait. We must deny Trump a pretext for his coup.

      Today America has survived Trump’s third attempt to stage a coup in as many months, something of a tradition on his part now, and one of us has died for it, sacrificed on the altar of his self-aggrandizement. Let it be the last; Trump isn’t worth the life of any one of us, no matter who that may be.

     August 29 2020 Police Collaboration in White Supremacist Terror: the Case of Kenosha; Police have been infiltrated by white supremacist organizations since the Civil War. They are also a primary funnel and grooming onramp for terror and racism, a development of prewar slavecatching gangs.

     Kenosha is part of a planned, organized campaign of terror in which police and white supremacist forces act together to repress dissent and create violence and destruction so that Trump can send federal troops to occupy Democratic cities. This is more than racist violence; it is a coup.

     There can be only one reply to fascism and tyranny; Never Again.

      We shall resist the Republican subversion of democracy and their cabal of white supremacist terrorists, Gideonite fundamentalist patriarchs, foreign puppetmasters, and plutocratic thieves of public wealth unto our liberation from inequalities of race and gender and divisions of exclusionary otherness.

      Where there is fear, let there also be hope. This is the true mission of Antifa.

     All those who remain loyal to their oaths to our Constitution and to America as a free society of equals, I call on you to stand together once again as a Band of Brothers and resist the Fourth Reich and the Party of Treason. Let us remain unconquered and be free.

     God Bless America; we’re going to need it.

          July 22 2020 All the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men: At the Threshold of the Fall of America; It seems Trump is now close to finally achieving his lifelong dream of inciting a race war as a fig leaf for his subversion of democracy and his reign as tyrant of a triumphant Fourth Reich, a dream of white supremacy he was bequeathed as successor in the Trump dynasty of Klu Klux Klan enthusiasts, Confederate sympathizers, and patriarchal racists who made their fortune from sex trafficking and brothels in Alaska and reinvested it in real estate where as anti-Semites they made even more money preying on Jewish vulnerability and need for acceptance and protection.

     We have chosen as leader of our nation and role model of our future the patriarch of a family whose rise to wealth and power resembles that of the slavers and grandees of Imperial Spain, and whose primary relation to others is that of a predator.

     Each of us bears the weight of our history like a shell, and we ourselves are a kind of prochronism, a history expressed in our form of how we have solved problems of adaptation and growth throughout our lives and across vast epochs of family legacy and cultural context. We must choose our actions in this time at the threshold of the Fall of America as a democracy with care and as a design for the future, for our descendants will live with the consequences of our choices for a long time, perhaps millennia.

     Trump and his Party of Treason have used white supremacist ideology as a spike of division with which to drive apart the faultlines of America and of civilization, in the subversion of democracy and our values of freedom, equality, truth, and justice, and in the theft of our liberty and the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few oligarchic families at the apex of a pyramid of patriarchs of Gideonite fundamentalism and misogyny, white supremacist terror and racism, and the authoritarianism of state force and control and a militarized society.

      Of these systems and structures of inequality, tyranny, lies, and injustice, and the atavisms of barbarism which drive them, fear and hate as shaped by submission to authority, a Fourth Reich emerges from the shadows of the past which we drag behind us like an invisible reptilian tail to seize and claim us. In Portland this week, and throughout our nation if Trump’s plan of occupation is unopposed, secret police repress dissent with abductions and brutality in criminal disregard of our rights as citizens and as human beings.

     This we must resist, for it is victory or death for our liberty and a free society of equals. Victory or Death was the battle cry of George Washington at Trenton

in the American Revolution against tyranny and the idea that some persons are by right of birth better than others. My family have preserved the idea of this triumphant moment of resistance and solidarity when all seemed lost at one of history’s turning points as a motto by which we have lived; so must it now be for us all.

     The peace of the city at night is still shattered by the sounds of gunfire and songs of resistance as we gather to share what we have learned as the witness of history, and as my night watch begins I record some few thoughts here in my journal, reflecting on its purpose.  Of what use are words against the madness of tyranny, violence, and the depravity of a regime of state terror? Why do I write, and for whom?

     My purpose here is to mock, expose, and challenge authority; to incite, provoke, and disturb. I write for the powerless and the dispossessed, and against their silence, erasure, and marginalization. Especially do I champion the cause of transgression of the boundaries of the Forbidden, celebrate chaos as the limitless possibilities of becoming human, and struggle against divisions of exclusionary otherness.

     Often do I think of Camus while writing, for he also wrote in a time of darkness and decision, for those who must claw their way out of the ruins and make yet another last stand, beyond hope of victory or even survival. Yet countless numbers of people did exactly that, as heroes of nations or as anonymous members of the Resistance, and here we all are today to carry forward the struggle.

     Our choice is now between liberty or tyranny, resistance or submission to force and control, and a future for humankind as a free society of equals or in subjugation to fascisms of blood, faith, and soil.


     July 18 2020 Fear and Loathing in Portland; “Our government of tyranny and terror has loosed the dogs of war in Portland, kidnapping and illegally imprisoning random protesters who have done nothing but exercise their rights as citizens to free assembly and free speech.

     This is a classic strategy of repression; an attempt to provoke armed revolt and discredit the protests for equality and racial justice. To those who now intend escalation and response in kind; this would play directly into the trap set by our rogue government.

     In June Trump attempted a coup by using white supremacist terrorists as agents provocateurs to disrupt protests, which failed when our military refused to abandon their oaths to the Constitution. This month he tries the same gambit, enacted by black ops units of Homeland Security who have sworn no oaths to anything and serve only wealth and power, who are without honor or loyalty.

     Don’t take the bait.

     In the guerilla theatre of protest, occupation, and confrontation, victory is achieved by seizing the moral high ground and delegitimizing the enemy by maneuvering them into the public use of terror, torture, or other criminal acts. We have already won this contest when the fascist regime which has hijacked America openly sends troops to kidnap its citizens because without moral suasion or justice, empty force is all they have.

     The acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, who will one day answer for his crimes, has called us anarchists. This is untrue as a group for the protesters in general, and an obvious deflection and misdirect as it is Trump and his minions among the forces of state terror and control who are the agents of racist violence and the subversion of democracy. Trump and Wolf wish to conjure anarchists as scapegoats for their reign of terror; let us teach them anarchy.

     Renounce the use of social force and resist unjust authority by disobedience. Leave evil to the minions of evil, and triumph over the seduction of power and the misogyny of violence.

          June 20 2020 A Failed Re-Election Rally Follows a Failed Coup Against Democracy; The rats are abandoning a sinking ship; the failure of Trump’s coup against democracy earlier this month, in which his deniable forces of white supremacist terrorists enacted a national campaign of arson, vandalism, and violence, and coordinated with the assassination of police officers, to disrupt the peaceful protests for equality and racial justice and provide a pretext for a military occupation of America by the most successful agent the KGB ever ran against us, foundered on the shoals of our armed services loyalty to their oaths to our Constitution.

      Restarting his re-election campaign at the site of the American Kristallnacht and using the red triangle of the Holocaust to refer to a boogeyman opposition which is nonexistent as an organization are acts of desperation by a tyrant who knows he is losing; also bareknuckle appeals to his white supremacist terrorist supporters.

     The tik tok messaging campaign by young people was also stunningly successful and demonstrates that Trump can be defeated on his own ground of lies and deception. Plus, the average teenager is smarter and better educated than he is. 

     June 8 2020 Hope Dawns: Trump’s Regime of Tyranny and White Supremacist Terror Begins Its Collapse; Hope dawns with a new day in America and the first victories of the people as Trump’s regime of tyranny and white supremacist terror begins its collapse. With key figures and icons of conservativism declaring against him and his policies of racism and totalitarian force and control, and unable to break the People’s Siege of the White House, Trump has ceded victory to democracy and rescinded his order to the military to place America under martial law as an occupation force.

     Trump’s coup is broken, his conspiracy to use deniable forces of armed racist lynch mobs and agents provocateurs and their infiltration agents within our police to disrupt the peaceful protests against racist police violence with greater racist police violence as a fig leaf for his seizure of totalitarian powers and the fall of democracy in America stands exposed before the world in its naked evil and threat to all humankind.

     Much remains to be done. We must begin the transformation of our society to realize the dream of co-ownership of the state by its citizens in a true democracy anchored by our values of Freedom, Equality, Truth, and Justice, and secured by our universal human rights, and leverage our revolutionary movement for racial justice and a free society of equals into structural and systemic change. 

     We have taken the streets; now we must reclaim and reshape the institutions of our government which are the guarantors of our liberty. Let us celebrate and rejoice in our defiance and challenge of injustice and unequal power, and the necessary work of dethroning and bringing to justice tyrants and monsters like Traitor Trump, but we must not settle for their heads on our wall. Beyond these symbolic victories, we must bring meaningful change to the systems and structures in which such abominations arise and are embedded.

    We must say to Trump and to all those who would enslave us, Never Again.

Dr. Strangelove trailer

Oppenheimer Quotes the Bhagavad Gita 11.32.; I am become Death


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