August 29 2023 Anniversary of the UN Bachelet Report on China’s Genocide of Minorities in Xinjiang

    A victory for justice and the exposure of tyranny’s lies and falsifications was won a year ago this day with the United Nations declaration of the Chinese Communist Party’s policies in Xinjiang as genocide, slavery, and crimes against humanity.

    It remains for the international community to bring a Reckoning to Xi Jinping’s regime of cruelty and dehumanization, and join together with the peoples of China in liberation struggle.

      China’s horrific crimes in Xinjiang is a boundary which defines the limits of the human and the legitimacy of the state, and it is a line we must defend or surrender to states everywhere the principles of our universal human rights and democracy as a free society of equals wherein the state is co-owned by its citizens as a guarantor of their rights.

      There is one and only one condition in which any state can be legitimate, and that is when it acts as a guarantor of the parallel and interdependent sets of rights of citizens and of human beings, and balances those rights so that none may infringe upon those of another.

     For once we surrender our humanity to the state, and become things and not human beings, instruments of the power and profit of others through systems of falsification, commodification, and dehumanization, subjugated by carceral states of force and control through abjection and learned helplessness, division and authorized identities of elite belonging and exclusionary otherness, and fascisms of blood, soil, and faith, we allow those who would enslave us to feed us into the machine of the state as psychopathy and embodied violence as the raw material of elite hegemonies of wealth, power, and privilege.

     Let us give to systems of oppression, to fascism, and to tyranny the only reply it merits; Never Again!

     As written by Jamey Keaten and Edith M. Lederer in Huffpost: “The office of U.N. human rights chief Michelle Bachelet published its long-awaited report on alleged rights violations in China’s western Xinjiang region Wednesday, brushing aside Beijing’s demands to keep a lid on a report that fanned a tug-of-war for diplomatic influence with the West over the rights of the region’s native Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim ethnic groups.

     The report, which Western diplomats and U.N. officials said had been all but ready for months, was published with just minutes to go in Bachelet’s four-year term. The report was unexpected to break significant new ground beyond sweeping findings from independent advocacy groups and journalists who have documented concerns about human rights in Xinjiang for years.

     But Bachelet’s report comes with the imprimatur of the United Nations, and the member states that make it up. The run-up to its release fueled a debate over China’s influence at the world body and epitomized the on-and-off diplomatic chill between Beijing and the West over human rights, among other sore spots.

     In the past five years, the Chinese government’s mass detention campaign in Xinjiang swept an estimated million Uyghurs and other ethnic groups into a network of prisons and camps, which Beijing called “training centers” but former detainees described as brutal detention centers.

     Beijing has since closed many of the camps, but hundreds of thousands continue to languish in prison on vague, secret charges.”

     As I wrote in my post of August 19 2020, China’s Holocaust: the Genocide of the Uighurs of Xinjiang and the Colonization of Hong Kong; It begins with the Great Wall of Silence and the control of truth, the repression of dissent and silencing of heroes like Joshua Wong, Jimmy Lai, and Cai Xia, but it always ends in concentration camps like those in Xinjiang; the path of tyranny and fascism leads ever downward into degradation and dehumanization.

     What do you call it when a government enacts the erasure and genocide of an ethnic and religious minority, and profits by their slave labor in concentration camps?

    I call it a Holocaust.

     What do you call a government which uses forced sterilizations, mass abductions, torture, murder, sending children to orphanages to be taught only in the official language, the outlawing of religious practice, and all this and more horrors and crimes against humanity targeted against those who do not fit the authorities paradigm of blood, faith, and soil?

    I call it fascism.

    And I say that whatever lies such governments tell about their crimes, what they call themselves or the particulars of their inhumanity, means nothing. All that matters is this; the powerful are inflicting harm on the powerless and the dispossessed.

     Shall we let the vulnerable and those whom Frantz Fanon called the Wretched of the Earth stand alone? Are all humans our brothers and sisters?

     In the conquest and genocide of the Uighur Muslims of Xinjiang the Chinese Communist Party has revealed their true nature as a xenophobic authoritarian state of force and control and a criminal organization of state terror and tyranny. They are a government without legitimacy.

     Shall we be collaborators and profiteers of slave labor, or shall we stand in solidarity to cast down from their thrones all those who would enslave us?

     In the lyrics of the Chinese national anthem, “Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves.”

     As I wrote in my post of July I 2020, An Empire of Terror and Racist Genocide: The Fall of Hong Kong and the Sterilization of the Uighur Ethnic Minority of Xinjiang; As the first wave of mass arrests and crimes against humanity by the Chinese Communist Party and its regime of state terror roll over Hong Kong on this anniversary of its handover by the British to their successor empire in the citadel of darkness which is Beijing, as the women of the Uighur ethnic and religious minority in Xinjiang are forcibly sterilized in a program of ethnic cleansing and genocide which parallels the campaign of erasure in the re- education prisons wherein their language, faith, history, and identity as a people are stolen, the world watches as yet another spectacle of inhumanity unfolds before us with stupefaction and the helpless surrender of civilization to atavistic barbarism.

     And once again we do nothing when a predator arrives to cut the powerless and the dispossessed from the herd of humankind, for without a united front  against tyrannies of force and control the most ruthless and amoral among us wins.

     Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller spoke his famous condemnation of the complicity of silence in the face of evil in the context of the Holocaust, but it applies as a universal principle; “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

     Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

     Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

     Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

         As I wrote in my post of October 6 2019, Vendetta Lives: Hong Kong Defies Tyranny and State Terror; I am one man, of limited understanding, though I have worn many masks in many places, and not all of my causes have been lost; through all my forlorn hopes and a lifetime of last stands I yet remain to defy and defend.

    Of our many possible futures I can only say this; all is not yet lost, nor is anything past redemption when the will to resist and to become better can be found.

     So I leave you with the words of Alan Moore from V for Vendetta; “Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We’ve seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.”

     As I wrote in my post of February 11 2022, Genocide Games: the Case of Xinjiang; A year ago I wrote in my post of February 19 2021, China Genocide Slavery Sexual Terror; The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for vast horrors, including xenophobic ethnic cleaning and slavery. But we are also responsible, if we buy the products of injustice.

     And like a monster in a horror film which attacks from the darkness when we are distracted, new revelations expose the government of China’s campaign of rape and sexual terror against the Islamic minorities of Xinjiang.

      If anyone questions the centrality of a nonsectarian government and the principle of separation of church and state to democracy and our universal human rights, consider the examples of Yemen and Xinjiang.

     Little has changed for the peoples of China or of her imperial conquests Tibet, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong in the year since I wrote these words in support of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction China movement, words like the screams of terror of the victims of China’s tyranny and terror, swallowed in the howling chasms of darkness of their Occupations and nearly lost to human memory and the witness of history like the countless lives of the silenced and the erased.

     But I remember, and bear witness.

     In the example of Xinjiang we can see the links between racist and sectarian terror as systemic violence, imperial conquest, and colonial dominion and exploitation.

     Here also is the most horrific example of a carceral state of force and thought control as institutionalized dehumanization and enslavement in the world today; as Xinjiang is China’s laboratory for a Brave New World, whose technologies of dehumanization, commodification, and falsification they are exporting to fellow tyrannies globally.

    And if we do nothing to change this monstrous crime against humanity or to disrupt Xi Jinping’s plans for the Conquest of the Pacific Rim, in Xinjiang we can see the future which awaits all of us.

     Let us unite with the peoples of China, Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong in solidarity against imperial conquest and occupation by a regime of tyranny and terror, while we still can.

     As written by Ishaan Tharoor in The Washington Post and cited in my journal entry of November 17 2019; ”We have known for some time now that China is carrying out something deeply unsettling in Xinjiang. The restive, far west region of the country is home to a number of Turkic Muslim minorities, including the Uighurs, who in the last half-decade have been swept up in large numbers by the dragnet of the central state. We know that roughly a million or more people have been subjected to a vast system of detention or “reeducation” camps, where they are cajoled to “Sinicize” and abandon their native Islamic traditions. There’s already been a great deal of international criticism: In Washington, both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have condemned China’s project of de facto cultural genocide. A report by a United Nations panel of experts warned this month that China’s methods could “deeply erode the foundations” of Chinese society.

     But Chinese officials still hide behind the Potemkin villages of their own making. They insist that the camps are actually job-training centers where amenable Xinjiang residents are working to better assimilate into mainstream society through vocational schooling and language instruction. They point to the necessity of such measures to counter the reach of radical Islamist groups in the region. We know now, though, that Chinese authorities don’t actually believe their own party line.

     That’s because of the new details surfaced by an astonishing set of leaked documents obtained by the New York Times. The cache includes 403 pages of Communist Party directives, reports, notes from internal investigations and internal speeches given by party officials, including President Xi Jinping. The Times’s story by Austin Ramzy and Chris Buckley, published this weekend, offers a rarely seen window into the deliberations of one of the world’s most opaque governments. And what we see is chilling.

     It relays how a flurry of ethnic violence and terrorist attacks in the early part of the decade persuaded Xi to unleash the “organs of dictatorship” — his own words, in a private speech. This apparently involved mass roundups, the construction of a 21st-century Orwellian apparatus of control and surveillance and a systematic assault on the ability of the region’s residents to observe their Islamic faith. As a justification for the draconian clampdown, a top Chinese official in Xinjiang warned of the risks of placing “human rights above security” in a 10-page directive from 2017. The tranche of documents also points to internal disagreement about the repression in the region and was delivered to the Times by a figure from “the Chinese political establishment” who “expressed hope that their disclosure would prevent party leaders, including Xi, from escaping culpability for the mass detentions.”

     Perhaps the most striking document is a classified directive issued to local officials in an eastern Xinjiang city on how to talk to Uighur students who return from other parts of China and discover their relatives and friends have been disappeared into detention camps.

     They were instructed to tell the students that their relatives had been “infected by unhealthy thoughts,” framing the state’s distrust of Muslim minorities in terrifyingly clinical terms. “Freedom is only possible when this ‘virus’ in their thinking is eradicated and they are in good health,” read the directive.

     The Times also reported on evidence of what appears to be a “scoring system” used by officials to determine who gets released from a camp. It incorporates not only the behavior of the detainees, but also the cooperation of relatives outside. “Family members, including you, must abide by the state’s laws and rules, and not believe or spread rumors,” officials were told to say. “Only then can you add points for your family member, and after a period of assessment they can leave the school if they meet course completion standards.”

     The new revelations fit into a wider, horrifying story of repression. China makes independent reporting in Xinjiang virtually impossible — and every foreign reporter invested in covering the story has to weigh the risk of endangering local fixers and sources, many of whom may have already been swept into detention. Meanwhile, analysis of satellite imagery led one researcher to conclude that the authorities have demolished 10,000 to 15,000 religious sites in Xinjiang in recent years. The Washington Post’s editorial page director Fred Hiatt declared: “In China, every day is Kristallnacht.”

     As I wrote in my post of February 10 2022, Why I Write: A Manifesto of Art and Revolution At the Dawn of the South Asian Spring;  We are coordinating actions among networks of democracy and liberation organizations throughout South Asia, systems of alliances referred to as the Milk Tea Movement, in Hong Kong, Beijing and other cities in China, Thailand, and Burma, which during the past year have morphed with protean strangeness to include Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, West Papua, the Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, East Timor, Sri Lanka, India, Kashmir, possibly a whole emerging South Asian Spring, and now has solidarity with democracy movements as well as direct agents of change within Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Libya in one dominion and within Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen in another.

     There is a saying attributed as a Chinese curse but coined by the father of Prime Minister Chamberlain in a speech of 1898, possibly a paraphrase of the line “Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos” in a short story of 1627 by Feng Menglong, “May you live in interesting times.”

We are now living in interesting times; whether we make of our time a curse or a fulcrum with which to change the balance of power in the world from tyranny to democracy and free societies of equals rests with each of us.

     How shall we write our witness of history and sacred calling to pursue the truth as what Foucault called truthtellers? In this crucial moment wherein the fate of humankind hangs between tyranny and liberty, how are we to perform an ars poetica of revolution?

      One way to describe our experience of our time is to focus on externalities, much as Flaubert did in his attempt to remove his own authorial voice from his stories in service to Reason. Such an exercise yields narratives much like the daily current events briefing I gave to my Forensics classes during Extemp Prep, a team current events speaking competition. Perhaps the best example today is the newsletter of Heather Cox Richardson, a historian who writes the most impartial and trustworthy daily news brief as current history. Its a unique approach to events unfolding around us in real time, and her references and contexts are authoritative and reliable.

     To contrast and compare her art to mine as rhetoric, I write here in my daily political journal what may be described as strategy, intelligence, and policy guidance for the antifascist community and allied revolutionary, liberation, and democracy movements throughout the world and its Autonomous Zones. That the motto of my publication Torch of Liberty is “to incite, provoke, and disturb” should give warning that I make no pretense to impartial and nonpartisan writing.

     My biases are defined first by my values, including liberty, equality, truth and justice, nonviolence and our universal human rights, and their praxis as causes, and secondly by the windmills against which I tilt; unequal power, authority and authorized identities, normality and the tyranny of other peoples ideas of virtue, tyrannies of force and control and carceral states of police terror and institutionalized violence, militarism and imperial conquest, dominion, and colonialism, fascisms of blood, faith, and soil and their systemic and historical instruments patriarchy and racism, divisions of exclusionary otherness and hierarchies of membership and belonging, elite hegemonies of wealth, power, and privilege, and the Wagnerian Ring of fear, power, and force which drives all of this.

     In this revolutionary struggle I place my life in the balance with those whom Frantz Fanon called The Wretched of the Earth; the powerless and the dispossessed, the silenced and the erased. And if you are among them or their allies who refuse to submit to tyranny and terror, this I say to you; I am not a good man, but I may be someone who can help.

     I hope to be more useful than a good man, whose scope of action is limited by the false morality of those who would enslave us among the imposed conditions of struggle and the tyranny of other people’s ideas of virtue, as Shaw teaches us through the figure of Eliza’s father in Pygmalion and the gorgeous film My Fair Lady.

     We must resist division in service to power into the deserving and the undeserving by a moral burden of merit as a hierarchy of otherness and membership in hegemonic elites. Let us answer merit and caste with equality and universal human rights, and division, especially fascisms of blood, faith, and soil, with solidarity.

      Neither of us need to be good in order to help or receive help, merely in need or able to help where needed as a duty of care for others which honors our common humanity and recognizes our interdependence.

     So I say again, I am not a good man, for I accept no limits and trust no authority, and I practice as sacred acts seizures of power, disruptions of order and bringing the Chaos, the transgression of the Forbidden, violation of normalities, subversions of authorized identities, the pursuit of truth, believing impossible things but only those I myself have created or chosen, and poetic vision as the reimagination and transformation of our limitless possibilities of becoming human.

      And if you are among the outcast, the broken and the lost, the powerless and the dispossessed, the silenced and the erased, I am a bad man who is on your side.

     As written by Julian Borger in The Guardian; “The outgoing UN human rights commissioner, Michelle Bachelet, has said that China had committed “serious human rights violations” against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang province which may amount to crimes against humanity.

     Bachelet’s damning report was published with only 11 minutes to go before her term came to an end at midnight Geneva time. Publication was delayed by the eleventh-hour delivery of an official Chinese response that contained names and pictures of individuals that had to be blacked out by the UN commissioner’s office for privacy and safety reasons.

     The Chinese government, which attempted until the last moment to stop the publication of the report, rejected it as an anti-China smear, while Uyghur human rights groups hailed it as a turning point in the international response to the programme of mass incarceration.

     The 45-page report by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) concluded: “The extent of arbitrary and discriminatory detention of members of Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim groups, pursuant to law and policy, in context of restrictions and deprivation more generally of fundamental rights enjoyed individually and collectively, may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity.”

     The Chinese government, which attempted until the last moment to stop the publication of the report, said in an official response that it was “based on the disinformation and lies fabricated by anti-China forces” and that it “wantonly smears and slanders” China and interfered in the country’s internal affairs.

     The Chinese response was accompanied by a 121-page counter-report, emphasising the threat of terrorism and the stability that the state programme of “de-radicalisation” and “vocational education and training centres” has brought to Xinjiang.

     Human rights organisations welcomed the report. Omer Kanat, the executive director of the Uyghur Human Rights Project pressure group said it was “a game-changer for the international response to the Uyghur crisis”.

     “Despite the Chinese government’s strenuous denials, the UN has now officially recognized that horrific crimes are occurring,” Kanat said.

     Over the past five years, China swept an estimated million Uyghurs and other minority groups into internment camps which it termed training centres. Some of the centres have since been closed but there are still thought to be hundreds of thousands still incarcerated. In several hundred cases families had no idea about the fate of relatives who had been detained.

     Out of 26 former inmates interviewed by UN investigators, two-thirds “reported having been subjected to treatment that would amount to torture and/or other forms of ill-treatment”.

     The abuses described included beatings with electric batons while being strapped in a “tiger chair” (to which inmates are strapped by their hands and feet), extended solitary confinement, as well as what appeared to be a form of waterboarding, “being subjected to interrogation with water being poured in their faces”.

     The US and some other countries have said the mass incarceration of Uyghurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang, the destruction of mosques and communities and forced abortion and sterilisation, amount to genocide. The UN report does not mention genocide but says allegations of torture, including force medical procedures, as well as sexual violence were all “credible”.

     It said that the authorities had deemed violations of the three-child official limit on family size to be an indicator of “extremism”, leading to internment.

     “Several women interviewed by OHCHR raised allegations of forced birth control, in particular forced IUD [intrauterine device] placements and possible forced sterilisations with respect to Uyghur and ethnic Kazakh women. Some women spoke of the risk of harsh punishments including “internment” or “imprisonment” for violations of the family planning policy,” the report said.

     “Among these, OHCHR interviewed some women who said they were forced to have abortions or forced to have IUDs inserted, after having reached the permitted number of children under the family planning policy. These first-hand accounts, although limited in number, are considered credible.”

     In the report, Bachelet, a former Chilean president, noted that the average rate of sterilisation per 100,000 inhabitants in China as a whole was just over 32. In the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region it was 243.

       “Serious human rights violations have been committed in [the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region] in the context of the government’s application of counter-terrorism and counter-‘extremism’ strategies,” the report said. “These patterns of restrictions are characterized by a discriminatory component, as the underlying acts often directly or indirectly affect Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim communities.”

     The report calls on the Chinese government to “take prompt steps to release all individuals arbitrarily deprived of their liberty” in Xinjiang and “urgently clarify the whereabouts of individuals whose families have been seeking information about their loved ones”.

     Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch, said: “The United Nations Human Rights Council should use the report to initiate a comprehensive investigation into the Chinese government’s crimes against humanity targeting the Uyghurs and others – and hold those responsible to account.”

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UN report on China’s Crimes Against Humanity in Xinjiang

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2023 年 8 月 29 日 聯合國關於中國對新疆少數民族進行種族滅絕的巴切萊特報告週年






      讓我們對壓迫制度、法西斯主義和暴政給予唯一應有的回應; 再也不!

正如我在 2020 年 8 月 19 日的文章《中國的大屠殺:新疆維吾爾人的種族滅絕和香港的殖民化; 它始於沉默長城和對真相的控制,鎮壓異見和壓制黃之鋒、黎智英、蔡霞等英雄,但總是以新疆那樣的集中營結束; 暴政和法西斯主義的道路永遠導致墮落和非人化。





     我想說的是,無論這些政府對他們的罪行、他們自稱的人或他們不人道的細節所說的任何謊言,都毫無意義。 重要的是這一點; 強者正在傷害弱者和被剝奪者。

      我們是否應該讓弱勢群體和那些被弗朗茨·法農稱為“地球上的不幸者”的人孤立無援? 所有人類都是我們的兄弟姐妹嗎?

      在對新疆維吾爾族穆斯林的征服和種族滅絕中,中國共產黨暴露了他們作為武力和控制的排外獨裁國家和國家恐怖和暴政犯罪組織的真實本質。 他們是一個沒有合法性的政府。



      正如我在 2020 年 7 月 1 日的文章《恐怖帝國和種族主義種族滅絕:香港的陷落和新疆維吾爾族的絕育》中所寫的那樣; 在英國將香港移交給其繼任帝國北京的黑暗堡壘週年紀念日之際,中國共產黨及其國家恐怖政權的第一波大規模逮捕和反人類罪行席捲香港。新疆維吾爾族和宗教少數群體的婦女在種族清洗和種族滅絕計劃中被強制絕育,這與再教育監獄中的清除運動相似,她們的語言、信仰、歷史和作為一個民族的身份被竊取,世界目睹著另一場不人道的景象展現在我們面前,人類目瞪口呆,文明無助地屈服於返祖的野蠻行為。


      路德教會牧師馬丁·尼默勒(Martin Niemöller)對大屠殺背景下面對邪惡保持沉默的同謀提出了著名的譴責,但它作為一項普遍原則適用; “首先他們是針對社會主義者的,我沒有說話——因為我不是社會主義者。




          正如我在 2019 年 10 月 6 日的文章《仇殺生:香港反抗暴政和國家恐怖; 我是一個人,理解力有限,儘管我在許多地方戴著許多面具,並且並非我所有的事業都失去了; 儘管我所有的希望和一生的最後立場,我仍然要反抗和捍衛。

     對於我們許多可能的未來,我只能這麼說; 當我們找到抵抗和變得更好的意願時,一切都還沒有失去,也沒有什麼是不可挽回的。

      所以我要向你們傳達《V字仇殺隊》中艾倫·摩爾的話; “自人類誕生以來,一小撮壓迫者就承擔了我們本應承擔的生命責任。 通過這樣做,他們奪取了我們的權力。 我們什麼都不做,就把它放棄了。 我們已經看到了他們的道路,穿過營地和戰爭,通向屠宰場。”

      正如我在 2022 年 2 月 11 日的文章《種族滅絕運動會:新疆案例》中所寫的那樣; 一年前,我在2021年2月19日的帖子中寫道,中國種族滅絕、奴隸制、性恐怖; 中國共產黨應對巨大的恐怖事件負責,包括仇外的種族清洗和奴隸制。 但如果我們購買不公正的產品,我們也有責任。







      這也是當今世界制度化的非人化和奴役中暴力和思想控制的監禁狀態的最可怕的例子; 因為新疆是中國美麗新世界的實驗室,他們正在向全球其他暴政國家輸出非人化、商品化和偽造技術。



正如我在 2022 年 2 月 10 日的文章《我為何寫作:南亞之春黎明時的藝術與革命宣言》中所寫; 我們正在協調整個南亞的民主和解放組織網絡之間的行動,這些聯盟系統被稱為“奶茶運動”,在香港、北京以及中國、泰國和緬甸的其他城市,在過去的一年裡,這些網絡已經發生了變化。千變萬化的陌生感包括台灣、馬來西亞、新加坡、印度尼西亞、西巴布亞、菲律賓、文萊、柬埔寨、老撾、越南、東帝汶、斯里蘭卡、印度、克什米爾,可能還有整個新興的南亞之春,現在與民主團結在一起一個自治領的俄羅斯、白俄羅斯、哈薩克斯坦、烏克蘭和利比亞以及另一個自治領的伊朗、伊拉克、敘利亞、黎巴嫩和也門境內的運動以及變革的直接推動者。

      有句話被認為是中國人的咒語,但卻是英國首相張伯倫的父親在 1898 年的一次演講中創造的,可能是對《寧作狗,不作亂時人》的釋義。馮夢龍1627年的短篇小說《願你生活在有趣的時代》。

我們現在生活在一個有趣的時代; 我們是否將我們的時代視為詛咒,還是將世界力量平衡從專制轉向民主和平等的自由社會的支點,取決於我們每個人。

      我們該如何書寫我們的歷史見證和神聖使命,成為福柯所說的說真話的人? 在人類命運懸於暴政與自由之間的關鍵時刻,我們該如何演繹一場革命詩意藝術?

       描述我們這個時代的經歷的一種方法是關注外部性,就像福樓拜試圖從服務於理性的故事中消除自己的作者聲音一樣。 這樣的練習產生的敘述很像我在 Extemp Prep(一項團隊時事演講比賽)期間為法證學課程提供的每日時事簡報。 也許今天最好的例子是歷史學家希瑟·考克斯·理查森 (Heather Cox Richardson) 的時事通訊,她撰寫了當前歷史上最公正、最值得信賴的每日新聞簡報。 這是一種獨特的方法來實時處理我們周圍發生的事件,她的參考資料和背景都是權威和可靠的。

      為了將她的藝術與我的修辭藝術進行對比和比較,我在我的每日政治日記中寫下可以被描述為反法西斯社區和世界各地及其自治聯盟的革命、解放和民主運動的戰略、情報和政策指導的內容。區域。 我的出版物《自由火炬》的座右銘是“煽動、挑釁和擾亂”,這應該提醒我,我的寫作絕不假裝公正和無黨派。

      我的偏見首先是由我的價值觀決定的,包括自由、平等、真理和正義、非暴力和我們的普遍人權,以及它們作為原因的實踐,其次是由我所反對的風車決定的。 不平等的權力、權威和授權身份,正常性和其他民族美德觀念的暴政,武力和控制的暴政以及警察恐怖和製度化暴力的監獄國家,軍國主義和帝國征服,統治和殖民主義,血腥法西斯主義,信仰,和土壤及其係統性和歷史性工具:父權制和種族主義,排他性的劃分以及成員資格和歸屬的等級制度,財富、權力和特權的精英霸權,以及驅動這一切的瓦格納式的恐懼、權力和武力之環。

      在這場革命鬥爭中,我將自己的生命與那些被弗蘭茨·法農稱為“地球上的不幸者”的人進行了平衡。 那些無權無勢的人、被剝奪的人、被沉默的人、被抹去的人。 如果你是他們中的一員或他們的盟友,拒絕屈服於暴政和恐怖,我對你說: 我不是一個好人,但我可能是一個可以提供幫助的人。


      我們必須抵制將為權力服務的行為劃分為值得和不值得的人,這種道德負擔是作為霸權精英中的異類和成員資格的等級制度。 讓我們以平等和普遍人權來回應功績和種姓,並以團結來回應分裂,特別是血統、信仰和土壤的法西斯主義。





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