January 8 2024 We Descend Into the Maelstrom of World War Three, Having Abandoned Our Historic Misson As a Guarantor of Democracy and Our Universal Human Rights

     Here we are in the final year of the Biden Presidency which was intended to enact the Restoration of America after its fall to Russian propaganda influence and subversion by the Fourth Reich in the capture of the state by the Stolen Election of 2016, yet what has been changed?

      We have abandoned our historic role as a guarantor of democracy and our universal human rights throughout the world, of our allies and of the victims of atrocities and crimes against humanity which define the limits of the human; in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Gaza, and countless other betrayals of the solidarity of all who hunger to be free and who resist death and dehumanization, imperial conquest and slavery by tyrants,

     World War Three swirls invisible all around us, interpenetrating and poisoning everything our society holds just and true, on multiple fronts both here at home in America and in Russia which has unleashed this nightmare upon the world in her mad dreams of empire, on the battlefields of Syria and Libya, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Nagorno-Karabakh and West Africa, and now since October 7 possibly Gaza as Israel’s brutal war crimes engulf the whole of the region in a war of survival against Israeli ethnic cleansing and imperial conquest of her neighbors, and the dark gravity of Russia’s mass pulls her ally Iran and the whole of the Iranian Dominion of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen into orbit.

     Yet we have failed to confront our destroyers beyond our borders just as we have failed to purge them from among us here, the fascists who lurk behind the legal fiction of the Republican Party and their brownshirts of the January 6 Insurrection, Putin who threatens us with nuclear annihilation and world conquest and dominion, and Netanyahu whose war crimes in which we are complicit as his sponsors of state terror, whose crimes we have sanctioned and authorized in sending warships to serve his power in place of ships of mercy and humanitarian aid to his many victims, and who together with Biden has delegitimized both our states and exposed our nations siren songs of democracy and human rights as the lies and illusions they may have always been.

     This year begins like no other in our history, for we are beset by enemies both within and without, and our leaders have betrayed us.

     Under such imposed conditions of struggle, and with civilizational collapse and the end of all possibilities of victory in achieving a free society of equals and a United Humankind as we enter the Age of Tyrants and centuries of total war which will consume us all and end with the extinction of humankind, I ask the question once again which was answered so differently by Tolstoy and Lenin; what is to be done?

     As I answered the great and strange friend who set me on my life’s path in Beirut 1982, Jean Genet; I will not surrender.

     So I offer all of you the Oath of the Resistance he offered me; We swear our loyalty to each other, to resist and yield not, and abandon not our fellows.

     Join us.

February 28 2023 First General History of the Third World War

      As I wrote in my post of June 3 2022, One Hundred Days of the Invasion of Ukraine; For one hundred days now, a great struggle between democracy and  tyranny, love and hate, hope and fear has been raging in Ukraine, where the fate of humankind hangs in the balance and our future possibilities of becoming human are being chosen in the great game of chance that is war.

     Here, as in far too many times and places, a few unconquerable heroes and those who stand with them in solidarity as a band of brothers against the darkness of barbarian atavisms of brute fear and force and a nihilistic regime wherein only power has meaning and fear is the only means of exchange, die in the forlorn hope of buying with their lives time for civilization to awaken to the threat of fascist tyranny and imperial conquest.

      How will we answer the test of our humanity in this moment of existential threat? Who do we want to become, we humans? A free society of equals or a world of masters and slaves?

     For these are the stakes of this game in which we now play, the Third World War; liberty or tyranny.

     When those who would enslave us come for us, as they always do, let them find not a people subjugated by learned helplessness nor divided by hierarchies of belonging and exclusionary otherness, but a United Humankind unconquerable in solidarity and refusal to submit.

     To tyranny and fascism there can be but one reply; Never Again!

    Herein is my witness of history and truth telling in this, the First General History of World War Three. As with all things human, it is also fiction except when it is not, myth when it can be, poetic vision and the reimagination and transformation of human being, meaning, and value and of our limitless future possibilities of becoming human.

    Are we not the stories we tell about ourselves, to ourselves and to others?

     Always there remains the struggle between the masks we make for ourselves and those made for us by others.

     This is the first revolution in which we all must fight; the struggle for ownership of ourselves.

      Herein I offer apology for my digressive ars poetica; once in Srinagar I sailed on the Lake of Dreams, was wooed by Beauty but claimed by Vision; and in such visions I fell into a sea of words, images, songs, histories, layered and interconnected with one another like a web of reflections and the echoes of voices lost in time, a Wilderness of Mirrors which capture and distort and extend ourselves infinitely in all directions.

     Here is a shadow self of our histories which we drag around behind ourselves like an invisible reptilian tail, legacies from which we must emerge to create ourselves anew and those which we cannot abandon without losing who we are.

     Of the legacies of our histories and the many versions of our pasts I have often said; there are those which must be kept and those we must escape, and if we are very lucky they are not always the same.

     Here my intertexts are manifest, seize and shake me with tumultuous voices and untrustworthy purposes, for where do our histories end and we begin?

     We cannot escape each other, my shadows and I.

      War transforms the question of our authorship of ourselves with existential primacy; where do we ourselves end, and others begin? How may we negotiate this boundary of the Forbidden and interface with alien realms of human being, meaning, and value, with division and hierarchies of belonging and exclusionary otherness or with solidarity, diversity, and inclusion, with fear or with love?

     In the end all that matters is what we do with our fear, and how we use our power.

      There are no Ukrainians, no Russians, no Israelis and no Palestinians; only people like ourselves, and the choices they make about how to be human together.

Schindler’s List: What The Girl In The Red Coat Represents, Explained


March 14 2022 Origins of the Third World War, Part 1: the Syrian Theatre in the Russian-Turkish Conflict for Dominion of the Middle East

March 15 2022 Origins of the Third World War, Part 2: The Russian-Turkish Conflict for Imperial Dominion of the Mediterranean in the Libyan Theatre

March 23 2022 A History of the Third World War and Russia’s Imperial Wars of Dominion Since 2020, Part Three: the Belarus Theatre of War

March 25 2022 World War Three, Part Four: the Russian Theatre of War

March 26 2022 A History of the Third World War, Part Five: the Kazakhstan Theatre of War

April 15 2022 A History of the Third World War and Russia’s Imperial Wars of Dominion Since 2020, Part Six: the Nagorno-Karabakh Theatre of War

May 27 2022 A History of the Third World War, Part Seven: the West Africa, Sahel, and Lake Chad Theatre of War

 A History of the Third World War, Part Eight: the American Theatre of War

February 9 2022 Let Us Escape the Legacies of Our History: Origins of the Fourth Reich and the Republican Party’s Unanimous Declaration of Treason

March 12 2022 Crimes of a Russian Spy: A History of the American Fourth Reich’s Coup Attempts in Trump’s War Against America

A History of the Third World War, Part Nine: the Ukraine Theatre of War

     This chapter you are reading now, and now are also writing, for it is each of us who will together choose a future for humankind. The nature of that choice is become unambiguous and simple with the invasion of Ukraine and the dawn of World War Three; tyranny or liberty?

     In one of these choices and one only, we may win a future where something resembling ourselves looks back centuries from now on this moment of civilizational collapse or rebirth, with questioning, hope, and wonder.

     “God Bless Us, every one” as Dickens wrote in A Christmas Carol, the story which founded the modern holiday and originated Liberation Theology in wedding Marx to the Sermon on the Mount. In this time of darkness, we must answer division with solidarity, fear with love, despair with hope, fascism and tyranny with resistance, and the terror of our nothingness with the joy of total freedom.

     Here follows a three act play, being some of my journals of Mariupol

April 10 2022 Crimes Against Humanity in the City of Ghosts, Mariupol: A Witness of History

April 18 2022 Last Stand at Mariupol: Fight at the Steel Works

April 20 2022 What is the Meaning of Mariupol? Address to the Volunteers in Warsaw

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