May 6 2023 Britain’s Rituals of Subjugation to King Charles Visited By the Grim Reaper, Foretelling Doom to the Monarchy At the Heart of a Diseased and Leprous Empire

     Like the Masque of the Red Death, Britain’s rituals of subjugation to King Charles were visited today by the Grim Reaper, foretelling doom to the monarchy at the heart of a diseased and leprous empire.

     On the throne of blood and gold the hollow shell of a zombie-fied and hideous dessicated corpse of imperial grandeur and symbolic hegemony and dominion of humankind, robbed of its meaning yet still bearing centuries of exploitation and oppression with its crown of stolen treasures and attended by sycophants of the elite who with this carnivalesque mummery enforce their own authority and power, swollen like ticks with the blood and wealth of the peoples and nations they have conquered and enslaved, this thing of terror and pathetic vacuous ravening illusions of superiority to all others claims us all as its dogs and vassals to the litanies of adulation and masochistic servile abasement of the mob, this Charles the Disloyal who betrayed the saintly Diana to her abandonment and death, this figure of the despicable British Empire.

    Of this grotesque event which confirms Britain’s subjugation to a monarchy and to imperial dominion, a performance of national identity intended to reinforce elite hegemonies of wealth, power, and privilege, my first response, upon realizing this means that those who hold power wish to portray and shape the whole of the British nation as a people united in the ecstasy of submission who wish to grovel before the feet of Queen Camilla as well as King Charles, was to mock; Britain’s Eva Braun becomes Queen. No, wait, actually Eva Braun wasn’t a homewrecking chippie. Wonder how it feels to submit to the king’s whore?  No wait, that makes it sound fun.

     And at that moment I also realized that this adulation of inherent inequality and caste as monarchy by those gladly embracing their status as not fully human as well as social inferiors is a form of sadomasochistic submission to authority as well as a cult and a form of imperial power and identitarian politics. No wonder monarchy is persistent far beyond its purpose as intermediary for the Infinite for whom the king speaks his laws and commands their enforcement by armies and police who keep the slaves at their labor which crates the wealth and power for their betters; it is a Gordian Knot of recursive systems and forces of control which addict the slaves to their status and obedience to the Big Boss, and offers loaned power to its enforcers, apologists, and factotums. In pre-democratic and traditional authoritarian societies, there is an apex predator who serves as a top, and a vast population of bottoms who police each other in his name.

      Britain’s coronation of King Charles, named for a man so vile the people of England beheaded him in 1649 and among the last figures of a horror from the dark ages called the divine right of kings, is a kind of black mass of systemic unequal power and its consequences as falsification, commodification, and dehumanization, a curtain of illusions behind which corrupt and rapacious forces work with secrecy and impunity to enslave us and steal our souls.

     Always look behind the curtain. As Dorothy says to the Wizard; “You’re just an old humbug.”

      Who do we want to be, we human beings; masters and slaves, or a free society of equals?

       Herein let us look for guidance and models of seizure of power in revolutionary struggle to history; what happened the one and only time England was free, during the English Revolution and Cromwell’s Protectorate?

      Give me a Republic born of the guillotine, and not a kingdom born of the lash.   

Dorothy Exposes the Wizard of Oz

the Grim Reaper sends his regards

The New-age of feudalism & privitization | Slavoj Zizek & Yuval Noah Harari

The Enchanted Glass: Britain and its Monarchy, Tom Nairn

    What Happened the one and only time England was free; a reading list on the English Revolution and Cromwell’s Protectorate

 Revolution: The Great Crisis of the British Monarchy 1685 – 1720, Tim Harris                    

Providence Lost: The Rise and Fall of Cromwell’s Protectorate, Paul Lay

Commonwealth Principles: Republican Writing of the English Revolution,

Jonathan Scott

Milton and the English Revolution, Christopher Hill

Ehud’s Dagger: Class Struggle in the English Revolution, James Holstun

Liberty Against the Law: Some Seventeenth-Century Controversies,

Christopher Hill

Oliver Cromwell: Politics and Religion in the English Revolution 1640 – 1658,

David L. Smith

The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution,

Christopher Hill

A History of Political Thought in the English Revolution, Perez Zagorin

The English Revolution and the Wars in the Three Kingdoms, 1638-1652,

Ian Gentles

Oliver Cromwell: God’s Warrior and the English Revolution,

Ian Gentles

The White King: Charles I, Traitor, Murderer, Martyr,

Leanda de Lisle

Thomas Cromwell Series, Hilary Mantel

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