May 21 2022 The World the Fourth Reich Wants to Condemn Us To: Orban’s Hungary

This week’s gathering of global fascist leadership in Hungary holds up a mirror to the world the Fourth Reich and their front organization the American Republican Party wants to condemn us to.

     This includes the use of faith and race in divide and conquer strategies of authoritarian state tyranny and terror and the institutionalization of white supremacist terror, patriarchal sexual terror, and Gideonite Christian fundamentalist identity politics, as well as the total control of all information and history by the state as propaganda.

     Remember always the names of the fascists attending CPAC, among the most notorious Fourth Reich organizations of global tyranny and terror which in the arrogance of power does not conceal itself and its members, unlike myriads of other such cabals which conceal secret power and agendas of elite hegemonies of wealth, power, and privilege which wait as ambush predators to pounce on us from the shadows. Remember, and bring a Reckoning.

     First we must establish clearly that CPAC is a Nazi revivalist institution, beyond its public identification with White Replacement Conspiracy Theory whose origin is in Nazi antisemitic propaganda. As I wrote in my post of February 28 2021 Nazi Terror and Tyranny: SS Black Magic and Madness at the CPAC Anti-Democracy White Supremacist Rally; When I write of exposure as hunting Nazis, I don’t mean people I disagree with; I mean actual Nazis, members of a network of hate crime organizations committed to our destruction, and only those active threats of hate crime who by mission of action intend death, mass destruction, and harm to others they consider subhuman. This week’s Conservative Political Action Caucus was designed and attended by Nazis as well as ideological fascists, among them the descendants of war criminals our government collected to use against Communists and others they deemed subversive during the Red Scare of the 1950’s McCarthy Era.

     They form a global network which I refer to as the Fourth Reich, a secret society whose membership is exclusive to families of the original Nazi loyalists and their allies and minions, thousands and possibly tens of thousands who have had seventy years in which to infiltrate the world’s governments and elites. I say this not as speculation or as a conspiracy theory, but as a simple fact, one which remains a threat to our liberty.

     Someone knew enough about black magic as it was practiced by the SS to design the CPAC stage as a Nazi symbol, soul-stealing magic aimed at transferring the life force of the audience to the speaker for the purpose of submission to the leader’s will, exactly as it was used at the Nuremberg Rallies. It is a masterpiece of propaganda, a dog whistle hidden in plain sight which would have gone entirely unnoticed by outsiders but for the many vigilant Norse pagan antifascists who monitor social media.

     Among them is my sister Erin, an antifascist and prominent Norse pagan and gythia or priestess, author of Asatru A Beginners Guide to the Heathen Path and manager of the Asatru facebook forum, literate in Old Norse and medieval forms of Gaelic and German among other languages, and practitioner of the traditional arts of galdur or poetic vision, seidr or sacred trance, and berserkergangr or martial arts, and like myself an admirer of Loki the Trickster.

     Here is her post on Witches and Pagans entitled The Nazi Symbol That Is the CPAC Stage; “There are photos circulating on social media of the stage of CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Caucus. One is included in this blog post. The stage is an odd and awkward looking design that could not have arisen purely from functionality, it looks like “the Odal Rune,” and it appears that the speakers at CPAC will be standing on a Nazi platform.

     Let’s talk about Othala as distinct from “The Odal Rune.” The symbol you see in the photo is “The Odal Rune” which is 100% a Nazi symbol. The upturned feet on the ends of the legs appear only on the Nazi version, Odal, not on any version of Othala, the historical rune used in historical heathen alphabets.

     A curious thing, though. Modern rune magic has adopted the “symbol upside down = opposite” thing that is common to Tarot cards, aka regular or reversed, and of course the dichotomy between the regular cross and the upside down cross. From the perspective of speakers backstage, the symbol is right side up in this photo, but from the perspective of the audience it’s upside down. Regular Othala in rune readings basically means real estate or psychic inheritance, but the “Odal Rune” is usually said to mean “heritage.” So, whose “heritage” is being protected and encouraged in this photo? Not the audience’s. If whoever designed this stage actually understands magic, the intent is to concentrate power in the hands of the speakers, away from the general public. Magically, it would take heritage energy from the audience and allow the people standing on the platform to vampirize that energy for their own use.

     If the intent behind the choice of the shape was not magical, though, it’s probably meant to be a dog-whistle to neonazis. Experts on neonazis are mostly being more cautious about calling this out. American Iron Front tweeted the picture and called it “probably a coincidence.” I’m glad that the anti-fascist community is being careful not to stomp on heathens and pagans when they aren’t sure what symbol they’re looking at. But I’m an expert on heathen symbols and I know this isn’t one. There is no possible way an actual Asatruar drew the footed or winged version on a design program thinking it was a nice historical heathen rune. It’s unlikely the stage designer is heathen, anyway. That is not Othala, the heathen rune, it’s Odal, the Nazi symbol.

     You can read about more symbols in my article Heathen Vs. Hate in the latest issue of Witches & Pagans Magazine.”

     And why should an American political organization which designates itself as “conservative” find a safe haven for Nazi revivalism, allyship, kinship, and an aspirational figure of the America and global humankind they want to shape as our common future in Viktor Orban’s Hungary?

     Because here Nazis are celebrated as national heroes, officially and openly in holidays, parades, and monuments. This is unique among nations in all the world, though fascisms of blood, faith, and soil are now the world’s dominant ideology and tyranny has eclipsed democracy as the system by which we have chosen to be human together.

     Hungary in the jaws of Viktor Orban models how fear can be weaponized in service to power and identity politics leveraged to manufacture consent and centralize authority. Of this I say; beware of those to claim to speak and act in your name, for they are trying to subjugate you to their will and uses.

     And this we must resist. To fascism there can be but one reply; Never Again!

     As I wrote in my post of March 31 2020, Democracy Falls in Hungary; As the pandemic disrupts and destabilizes the global order, eager would-be tyrants seize the chance to amass and consolidate power against the forces of democracy pulling structures and systems in the other direction.

    Hungary’s Viktor Orban is among the most venal and odious of democracy’s foes, having already established Hungary as a fascist state which lionizes Nazis and provides a secure base of operations and launchpad for the reconquest of Europe by the Fourth Reich.

    Yesterday he seized totalitarian powers as well, making Hungary the first nation to surrender liberty to the fear with which the pandemic has gripped the world.

     As described in The Washington Post; “A decade under the nation’s illiberal nationalist prime minister, Viktor Orban, has corroded the state’s checks and balances, cowed the judiciary, enfeebled civil society and the free press, and reconfigured electoral politics to the advantage of Orban’s ruling Fidesz party. So, when the coronavirus pandemic hit, Budapest’s ailing democracy proved all too vulnerable.

     On Monday, Hungary’s parliament passed a controversial bill that gave Orban sweeping emergency powers for an indefinite period of time. Parliament is closed, future elections were called off, existing laws can be suspended and the prime minister is now entitled to rule by decree. Opposition lawmakers had tried to set a time limit on the legislation but failed. Orban’s commanding two-thirds parliamentary majority made his new powers a fait accompli.”

     In the words of Dalibor Rohac; “COVID-19 is about to claim a new victim: Hungary’s democracy.

     The country’s parliament is set to adopt a new law that will give the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban a legal mandate to rule by decree, without any sunset clause and without parliamentary oversight. The government initially sought to fast-track the legislation and adopt it already on March 24, but it lacked the supermajority needed to accelerate the proceedings. The party, however, does not lack the votes to ensure that the legislation is passed through the normal legislative process a few days later.

The brazenness of Orban’s power grab is without any parallel in recent European history.

     Like Hungary, other European countries have declared a state of emergency and are resorting to draconian measures. They include shutting down air travel, closing borders, restricting personal freedom and even nationalizing sectors of the economy. While all European governments need flexibility in order to respond to the lethal pandemic in real time, any new powers they acquire are subject to parliamentary review and are planned to remain in effect only for limited periods.

Similarly, the Hungarian constitution allows the government to maintain a state of emergency (in place since March 11) only for an initial period of 15 days, after which it must seek parliamentary approval.

     Yet instead of asking parliament for an extension for a fixed period, to be followed by another round of parliamentary deliberation if necessary, the new Hungarian legislation would ensure that the state of emergency remains in force as long as the government deems necessary, while normal parliamentary oversight is suspended. Throughout that time, the government would be free to legislate by decree. No snap elections or referendums could be held, and even the rules of procedure of the country’s Constitutional Court could be altered by its president.

     The proposed legislation also creates two new crimes. Interfering with the quarantine would lead to a prison sentence of up to five years (eight if anyone dies as a result). More strikingly, to “claim or spread a falsehood or claim or spread a distorted truth in relation to the emergency in a way that is suitable for alarming or agitating a large group of people” would be punishable by up to three years of imprisonment (Section 10 of the law). A government-run news outlet has already called for the prosecution of opposition politicians under the new statute — simply for pointing out the lack of readiness of the country’s public health system.

     Everyone should think twice before giving Orban the benefit of the doubt. His decade-long premiership has been marked by a continual assault on any constraints on his power — whether by courts, civil society or the media. Hungary’s previous moves toward authoritarianism were disguised as a necessary reaction to outside threats: foreign corporate interests during the financial crisis, “cosmopolitan elites” during the refugee crisis of 2016, or, whenever the occasion demands, the philanthropist George Soros (a staple of Orban’s nativist playbook).

     True to his past, Orban did not hesitate to connect the virus to migration: “We are fighting a two-front war. One front is called migration, and the other one belongs to the coronavirus. There is a logical connection between the two, as both spread with movement.”

     Indeed, the first patient with covid-19 in Hungary appears to be an Iranian student. The government responded by imposing a travel ban on Iran (among other countries) and expelling 15 Iranian students. Yet, the 2,500-strong Iranian student population in Hungary is not a result of uncontrolled immigration imposed from Brussels but of Orban’s conscious policy choices, especially the gradual warming of Hungarian-Iranian and Hungarian-Syrian relations, visible also in the lenient treatment of wealthy Syrians applying for residency in Hungary.

     Hungary’s new Law on Protecting Against the Coronavirus demonstrates that Orban will never let a serious crisis go to waste in the quest to entrench himself as prime minister for life. As of now, there are few reasons to believe that his wager will fail, as the combination of nativism and fear of a deadly yet invisible threat makes for a potent political mix. Unless there is strong pushback from Brussels and Washington — which are both understandably preoccupied by more urgent matters — Hungary is bound to emerge from the current crisis as a full-fledged dictatorship.”

     As I wrote ion my post of March 15 2020, Hungary: in the Shadows of Nazi Revivalism and Dominion; As Viktor Orban elevates Hungary’s Nazi past to a national mythology, Budapest has become a center and staging area for Nazi revivalism throughout Europe and the world. This has occurred in concert with the weaponization of Christian faith and the use of the Syrian and Libyan refugees from the Turkish-Russian conflict of dominion as a fear factor in the seizure of political power by European fascists.

      Fascism requires others who define the limits of membership and belonging; to make an idea about a kind of people is an act of violence and a crime of hate.

     The Fourth Reich has met varying degrees of success in its attempts to reawaken global fascism; there are now many tyrannies and autocracies throughout the world, including the United States of America under Traitor Trump’s Republican alliance of white supremacist terrorists and Gideonite fundamentalist patriarchs, Xi Jinping’s Chinese Communist Party, Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Narendra Modi’s India, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israel, and other fascisms of blood, faith, and soil, but only in Viktor Orban’s Hungary are actual Nazis celebrated as heroes and zealously sheltered by the power and authority of a government. In Hungary the Fourth Reich has an incubator and launchpad for the reconquest of Europe.

     The twilight of democracy looms over the world, and with it comes an age of fascism and of darkness.

     To which we may reply with Shakespeare; “”If you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

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