August 7 2019 psychopathy and the nature of evil: the parallel cases of Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler

How are monsters created, and how does evil arise as a shaping force which grants them the power to change the topography of human souls and the course of history?

     While sorting through Trump’s tweets and speeches by keyword looking for answers, I was reminded of another such project, the now-classic study of Adolf Hitler from his speeches and writings, The Psychopathic God by Robert G. L. Waite, which I read enthusiastically the year of its publication while a junior in high school. I had just finished reading Jerzy Kosinski’s novel The Painted Bird, which led me to an interest in the origins and consequences of evil, the route by which I developed a serious interest in psychology and its intersections with history, philosophy, and literature.

     The parallels between Hitler and Trump are amazing and instructive, both in terms of the personal and political origins, shaping forces, and consequences of madness and evil.

     Dr Justin Frank’s book Trump on the Couch is an excellent resource, particularly illuminating on Trump’s erotic relationship with his daughter, the fantasies of violence and power which are rooted in his childhood relationship with his tyrannical and abusive father, and his inability to love or empathize with others as a result of his abandonment by his mother.

      Pathological lies, poor impulse control, and grandiose fantasies and delusions complete the picture of a narcissistic personality and psychopathic predator.

     I’ve said it as a joke, but its quite true; how do you spell Trump? Treason, Racism, Untruth, Misogyny, Predator.

    Actually, Donald Trump is very easy to understand, because literature provides a ready portrait of him in Frankenstein’s monster, which I have described in my celebration of Mary Shelly and her luminous novel as the figure of an abandoned and tormented child, “a vessel of rage and vengeance, with the merciless iron will to enact subjugation of others in their turn, terrible and pathetic and with the grandeur of a tortured defiant beast trapped in the same flesh as the innocent who needs to be loved and cannot understand why he seems monstrous to others.”

     How Trump’s particular madness is expressed in our national policy is a horror which can described with precision; his fear of contamination and faecal fixation translate into his signature campaign against nonwhite others and a policy of ethnic cleansing and racist state terror, his misogyny into a patriarchal wave of legal disempowerment of women’s reproductive rights, his fragile ego,  identity confusion, and need for attention into a governance of Nuremburg-like rallies, the cultivation of despicable autocrats, and the obsessive vengeance against anyone who refuses to offer adoration and submission.

     Above all what unites Trump and Hitler as parallel figures and historical forces is the theory of politics as theatre of cruelty and government as performance art.   

June 22, 2019 our predator in chief

     Treason. Racism. Untruth. Misogyny. Predator. Its like a cheer; how do you spell Trump?

    Its that last one, Predator, that concerns me today. My image of our President will always begin and end with him peeping at the fifteen year olds in the Miss America pageant. This is the beginning of him, and all that he means in the end; a psychopath to whom others are not humans but things which he might use for his own amusement. And for whom the only passion is control and dominance, the terror he might evoke from his victims, and the degradation of the innocent.

     Apparently he is not only driven by his avarice for children, whether the beauty queens he sought to own as trophies or the migrants stolen from their families to fuel his lust for power and cruelty and whatever wealth he could amass from the over one thousand children who vanished without a trace in the most horrific slavery conspiracy in modern times, but also is a target of opportunity ambush predator of women in general.

    Trump casts a shadow like a giant bird-eating spider, loathsome and vile, a crawling thing whose mission is to find and consume beauty.

     Today we must add the name of Jean Carroll to the list of his accusers; Jessica Leeds, Kristin Anderson, Jill Harth, Cathy Heller, Temple Taggart McDowell, Karena Virginia, Melinda McGillivray, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Jessica Drake, Ninni Laaksonen, Summer Zervos, Juliet Huddy, Alva Johnson, and Cassandra Searles.

     How many more names must there be before America and the world see Trump and the party of misogyny he leads for the monsters that they are?

April 23 2019 on the UN resolution in support of victims of sexual terror as a weapon of war and the misogyny of Trump’s threat of veto

     How shall we answer the suffering of others and the brokenness of the world?

     By refusing to answer cries for help, Trump and the party of misogyny authorize the use of sexual terror in war and enlist its perpetrators as deniable forces of patriarchal repression.

            I’d like to share with you the thoughts of human rights activist Noor Sheikh, wherein she cites specific examples of a general condition, as quoted by Huffpost today:

    “The possibility that the U.S. could veto the resolution is all the more shocking when you consider the contexts described in the report — widespread and systematic gang rapes of Rohingya women and girls in Burma; institutionalized sexual slavery of Yazidi and other minority communities by ISIS in Syria and Iraq; and the rape of young girls in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan by state armed forces and militia groups alike.”

     “Any country denying abortion to women who have become pregnant after rape would be subjecting them to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. By forcing victims of rape to carry the pregnancy caused by their sexual abuse, the U.S. will also be directly contributing to more suffering of countless victims of such violence.”

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