May 20 2024 The Origins of Evil in Fear, Power, and Force: Existential Questions In the Shadow of the Israeli Genocide of the Palestinians As the World Does Nothing to Silence the Rain of Death

When Israel speaks to me in my dreams as if the voice of history were that of one human being, it wears not the face of an iconic survivor of the Holocaust and liberator of humankind from the existential threats of tyranny and terror and the Wagnerian Ring of fear, power, and force which it once may have, but of the character of Martin Chatwin in the series The Magicians, a victim of monstrous abuse who by seizure of power became himself a monster.

     He has a line which like a Zen riddle enfolds and typifies what for myself is the primary question of how to become human under imposed conditions of struggle which require the use of force in resistance, where the use of social force is always ambiguous, dehumanizing, and obeys Newton’s Third Law of Motion as bidirectional forces of reaction which create their own antithesis. “You know, when I was a boy, a man who was meant to care for me bent me over his desk and had me over and over every time I was alone with him. It helps me understand a truth. You’re powerful or you’re weak.”

     Here is the original lie of the tyrant and the fascist in the apologetics and self-justification of power; the lie that only power has meaning, that there is no good or evil. How we use power is of equal importance as who holds it. Fear and force are a primary means of human exchange, but not the only means; love, membership, and belonging are as important. The great question which democracy attempts to answer is how to balance the rights and needs of individuals so that none may infringe upon another’s.   

      It’s a line which captures perfectly the inherent contradictions of the  Wagnerian Ring of fear, power, and force as an origin of evil; for the use of social force is subversive of its own values. Yet the imposed conditions of revolutionary struggle often require violence, and until the gods of law and order have been cast down from their thrones I must agree with the famous dictum of Sartre in his 1948 play Dirty Hands, quoted by Frantz Fanon in his 1960 speech Why We Use Violence, and made immortal by Malcolm X; “by any means necessary.”

     As written by Walter Rodney in The Groundings with my Brothers; “We were told that violence in itself is evil, and that, whatever the cause, it is unjustified morally. By what standard of morality can the violence used by a slave to break his chains be considered the same as the violence of a slave master? By what standards can we equate the violence of blacks who have been oppressed, suppressed, depressed and repressed for four centuries with the violence of white fascists. Violence aimed at the recovery of human dignity and at equality cannot be judged by the same yardstick as violence aimed at maintenance of discrimination and oppression.”

     And here is the passage he references from Leon Trotsky in Their Morals and Ours: The Class Foundations of Moral Practice; “A slave-owner who through cunning and violence shackles a slave in chains, and a slave who through cunning or violence breaks the chains – let not the contemptible eunuchs tell us that they are equals before a court of morality!”

     Yet in reflection I think of those great figures who have been both heroes of liberation and villains of tyranny; Napoleon, Washington, Stalin, Mao, Ortega, Mugabe, the list is a near endless litany of woes and failures of vision wherein Brave New Worlds became hells and carceral states. In evidence I offer the states they founded; Imperial France, America, the Soviet Union, the Chinese Communist Party, and above all the state of Israel, a dream of refuge forged in the terror of the Holocaust whose victims learned the wrong lessons from the Nazis and assumed their role in the Occupation of Palestine. David Ben-Gurion was by any reasonable interpretation the Messiah, for he won Israel as a place of refuge and belonging after centuries of Exile and the Jewish peoples of the whole world being claimed by no state since the fall of al-Andalus in 1492; but this was little consolation for those who died beneath the tracks of his tanks. The dangers of Idealism are very real; but so are the dangers of submission to authority and the complicity of silence in the face of evil.

     I am a hunter of fascists, and mine is a hunter’s morality. For me there is a simple test for the use of force; who holds power?

    During the many happy years in which I taught Forensics at Sonoma Valley High School, I began each new year on the first day of class with a demonstration I called Becoming a Fulcrum; placing an object on my desk with the worlds “This is a fulcrum.” Then setting an oblong object on top of that, “It balances a lever. When your parents ask you what you’re learning in Forensics class, tell them you’re learning to become a fulcrum, and change the balance of power in the world.”

     It remains a reasonable mission statement in life, and I place my life in the balance with all those whom Frantz Fanon named The Wretched of the Earth; the powerless and the dispossessed, the silenced and the erased.

      We who hunt monsters must remember always Nietzsche’s warning in Beyond Good and Evil; “He who fights monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes back into thee.”

      In the end all that matters is what we do with our fear, and how we use our power.

      As I wrote in my post of May 29 2021, Palestine and Israel: State of the Peace; A fragile peace holds for now in the volatile, chaotic, and rapidly changing relationships between Palestine and Israel, and between these partners in the imaginations of America and the international community. It is an uneasy dance of identity, memory, and history performed to the lyrical songs of narratives of victimization and endless litanies of woe, songs which seduce and shape us to the service of power and authority.

     Before the stage of the world and the witness of history, we can see here in real time the processes and consequences of divisions of exclusionary otherness and hierarchies of elite hegemonies of wealth, power, and privilege as primary informing, motivating, and shaping forces of human being, meaning, and value.

     For those of us who participated on May 10 2021 and in the nineteen days of battle which followed not in the defense of al Aqsa, a thing of grandeur fit for the death of heroes, but in defense of the families at prayer which Israel attacked and the unarmed women and children hunted through the maze of a derelict antiquity, disembodied screams in a land of fear and darkness, the Third Intifada was born on that night as a hope beyond the brokenness of the world and the flaws of our humanity for reimagination, transformation, the redemptive power of love to heal the divisions of exclusionary otherness and the pathology of our disconnectedness, and the limitless possibilities of becoming human.

     What is the state of the peace? How we answer this question hinges on implicit value judgements and becomes a Rashomon Gate of relative truths, and a measure of our character. In this as in many things, I recall Monet’s description of the meaning of his art as a form of metaphysics and investigation into the soul of humankind; “Man has two eyes through which he sees the world; one looks outward, but the other looks inward, and it is the juxtaposition of these two images which creates the world we see.”

      So our question becomes, what does this look like from the perspectives of its partners, Palestine, Israel, and America?

     America vacillates with Joe Biden on the cusp of a vast and horrific realization; that we have for over seventy years been the sponsors of tyranny and state terror, and responsibility for the endless litany of woes which have shaped the peoples of Palestine are shared by all of us and by our proxy state of Israel. It parallels our national reckoning with the legacies of slavery and our systemic racial inequalities and injustices which awaken with the Black Lives Matter protests, like our reckoning with Patriarchy and sexual terror in the #metoo movement, and with the consequences of capitalism for our extinction in the Green New Deal of our champions Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders and the global ecological movement led by the Pythian visionary Greta Thunberg.

      An awakening and tidal change whose full consequences and potential for the reimagination and transformation of humankind are incalculable, our political, ecological-material, sexual, and racial social justice movements represent a total civilizational shift and a revolution in universal human rights which will one day utterly change and renew our ideas of human being, meaning, and value.

    Francis Fukuyama was wrong when he predicted that we live at the end of history; we live at the beginning of a new history. But he was exactly right when he diagnosed its principles of operation in The End of History and the Last Man; “It was the slave’s continuing desire for recognition that was the motor which propelled history forward, not the idle complacency and unchanging self-identity of the master.”

     I hope we are at the beginnings of becoming human. I fear that our historical legacies may become traps, falsifications, assimilative and colonizing narratives wherein tyrannies of authorized identities may steal our souls. This is the problem of the Hobgoblin’s broken mirror in Anderson’s The Snow Queen; we are lost in a world of distorted images, captured echoes, and illusions. This, too, we must resist. 

     Israel is caught in the jaws of its history, held captive by Netanyahu’s regime of kleptocratic fascisms of blood, faith, and soil, but also a victim which has become a dark mirror of her abuser. Israel has learned the wrong lessons from the Nazis; fear, power, and force are not the only things which have meaning and are real, nor do we live in a world wherein love is without redemptive power.

     In his massive campaign of ethnic cleansing and repression of dissent, and in his diplomacy of terror and negotiations by missile fire, Netanyahu plays to his own alt-right constituents as their figurehead. But he may have miscalculated international reactions; he has been provoked into exposing the true nature of the Occupation, and the White Hat conferred by narratives of historical victimization is slipping.

     The Third Intifada has accomplished its goals of changing the narrative, fracturing American support for Israeli militarism and advancing support for Boycott, Divestiture, and Sanction, moving a decades old issue to center stage, and timed to the vote on the massive arms deal now in Congress. Thus for the American Front of the Intifada; in the Israeli Front we have also shifted the narrative toward delegitmation of the Netanyahu regime in support of the  democracy and peace movements of the people of Israel, of the Occupation, and of the ideology of Zionism.  At least, those were my goals in the wake of our defense of the people of Palestine at al Aqsa.

      Others among the defenders of Palestine have their own plans and objectives; certainly Hamas emerged as the clear victor of the struggle, having seized authority from the Fatah government of Palestine through active defense of its people, and rendering the elections Abbas refuses to call irrelevant. Hamas has delegitimized the Palestinian Authority, and stained its partnership with the Israeli government as collaboration, while the Third Intifada, waged by Hamas but also dozens of other factions, special forces from a number of allied governments, and madmen like myself, has called into question the idea of the Two State Solution.

     Of Hamas and of all revolutionaries I say this; Any who stand between the tyranny and state terror of conquest, enslavement, and death, and the lives of innocents are heroes and champions of our humanity. The particulars are irrelevant.

     Are we not our brother’s keepers?

     There is a path forward beyond the dichotomous paradigm of a dual identity; abandon the Two State Solution and reimagine and transform Israel and Palestine as a united nation under secular law and designed to safeguard equality and universal human rights.

     America’s enormous financial and military sponsorship of the state of Israel provides a very big lever with which to change the balance of power. I advocate Boycott, Divestiture, and Sanction of the state of Israel when it means peace and demilitarization; we must fund and shape ourselves to constructive and not destructive ends, to love rather than hate and to hope rather than fear.

      Build democracy in Israel and we also build justice and equality for its minorities, exactly as in America. I believe we must liberate the peoples of Israel from a fascist regime of blood, faith, and soil, for the beneficiaries of state terror and tyranny are also subjugated by it. This is the great internal contradiction of authoritarian power as fascism; it is a system which dehumanizes and instrumentalizes even those in whose name it perpetrates its crimes against humanity as a strategy of authorization and the manufacture of consent, and why it must inevitably consume itself.

     As Israel prepares its Final Solution to the problem of Palestine, America does nothing. Nothing to stop crimes against humanity, and everything to provide the criminals with arms and other support. We bear responsibility for these crimes with our proxies in Israel.

     The people who lived near the Nazi death camps claimed they knew nothing of the Holocaust, nothing about the vast rain of human ash which blanketed their towns and stained them with its silent crimes. But we know. How shall we answer, when we knew and did nothing?

The Magicians: Fear, Power, Force, the Origins of Evil and the Carceral State as Embodied Violence

The End of History and the Last Man, by Francis Fukuyama

The Wretched of the Earth, by Frantz Fanon, Jean-Paul Sartre (Preface),

Dirty Hands, by Jean-Paul Sartre

Their Morals and Ours: The Class Foundations of Moral Practice

by Leon Trotsky, John Dewey, George Novack, David Salner

The Groundings with My Brothers, by Walter Rodney


0 مايو 2024 أصول الشر في الخوف والقوة والقوة: أسئلة وجودية في ظل الإبادة الجماعية الإسرائيلية للفلسطينيين بينما لا يفعل العالم شيئًا لإسكات أمطار الموت

      عندما تتحدث إلي إسرائيل في أحلامي كما لو كان صوت التاريخ صوت إنسان واحد ، فإنها لا ترتدي وجه أحد الناجين الأيقونيين من المحرقة ومحرر البشرية من التهديدات الوجودية للاستبداد والإرهاب وحلقة واغنريان. الخوف والقوة والقوة التي قد تكون موجودة في السابق ، ولكن من شخصية مارتن شاتوين في سلسلة The Magicians ، ضحية الإساءة الوحشية التي أصبحت من خلال الاستيلاء على السلطة وحشًا.

     لديه سطر مثل لغز زن يطوى ويشير إلى ما هو السؤال الأساسي بالنسبة لي كيف أصبح إنسانًا في ظل ظروف كفاح مفروضة تتطلب استخدام القوة في المقاومة ، حيث يكون استخدام القوة الاجتماعية دائمًا غامضًا ، وغير إنساني ، ويطيع قانون نيوتن الثالث للحركة كقوى رد فعل ثنائية الاتجاه تخلق نقيضًا خاصًا بها. “كما تعلم ، عندما كنت صبيًا ، قام الرجل الذي كان من المفترض أن يعتني بي بثني على مكتبه وجعلني مرارًا وتكرارًا في كل مرة كنت وحدي معه. إنها تساعدني على فهم الحقيقة. أنت قوي أو ضعيف “.

     هذه هي الكذبة الأصلية للطاغية والفاشي في الدفاع عن السلطة والتبرير الذاتي ؛ الكذبة القائلة بأن القوة وحدها لها معنى ، أنه لا يوجد خير أو شر. إن كيفية استخدامنا للقوة لها نفس أهمية من يحتفظ بها. الخوف والقوة هما وسيلتان أساسيتان للتبادل البشري ، لكنهما ليسا الوسيلة الوحيدة ؛ الحب والعضوية والانتماء لا تقل أهمية. السؤال الكبير الذي تحاول الديمقراطية الإجابة عنه هو كيفية الموازنة بين حقوق واحتياجات الأفراد بحيث لا يتعدى أحد على حقوق الآخرين.

      إنه الخط الذي يلتقط تمامًا التناقضات المتأصلة في حلقة واغنري من الخوف والقوة والقوة كأصل للشر ؛ لأن استخدام القوة الاجتماعية هو تخريب لقيمها الخاصة. ومع ذلك ، غالبًا ما تتطلب الشروط المفروضة للنضال الثوري العنف ، وحتى يتم التخلص من آلهة القانون والنظام من عروشهم ، يجب أن أتفق مع القول المأثور الشهير لسارتر في مسرحيته الأيدي القذرة عام 1948 ، التي اقتبسها فرانتز فانون في خطابه عام 1960 لماذا نستخدم العنف ، وجعلنا مالكولم إكس خالدة ؛ “بأي وسيلة ضرورية.”

     كما كتبه والتر رودني في The Groundings مع إخوتي ؛ لقد قيل لنا أن العنف في حد ذاته شرير ، وأنه مهما كان السبب ، فهو غير مبرر أخلاقيا. بأي معيار أخلاقي يمكن اعتبار العنف الذي يستخدمه العبد لكسر قيوده هو نفسه عنف سيد العبيد؟ بأي معايير يمكننا أن نساوي عنف السود الذين تعرضوا للقمع والقمع والاكتئاب والقمع لأربعة قرون بعنف الفاشيين البيض. لا يمكن الحكم على العنف الذي يهدف إلى استعادة الكرامة الإنسانية وتحقيق المساواة بنفس المعيار الذي يحكم عليه العنف الذي يهدف إلى الحفاظ على التمييز والقمع “.

     وهذا هو المقطع الذي يشير إليه من ليون تروتسكي في أخلاقهم وأخلاقنا: الأسس الطبقية للممارسة الأخلاقية ؛ “مالك العبيد الذي يقيد عبدًا بالسلاسل من خلال المكر والعنف ، والعبد الذي يكسر القيود عن طريق الماكرة أو العنف – دعنا لا يخبرنا الخصيان الحقير أنهم متساوون أمام محكمة الأخلاق!”

     ومع ذلك ، أفكر في التفكير في أولئك الشخصيات العظيمة الذين كانوا أبطال التحرير وأشرار الاستبداد. نابليون ، واشنطن ، ستالين ، ماو ، القائمة هي عبارة عن سلسلة لا نهاية لها من الويلات وإخفاقات الرؤية حيث أصبحت عوالم جديدة شجاعة جحيماً وحالات جسدية. بالدليل أقدم الدول التي أسسوها ؛ الإمبراطورية الفرنسية ، أمريكا ، الاتحاد السوفيتي ، الحزب الشيوعي الصيني ، وقبل كل شيء دولة إسرائيل ، حلم ملجأ مزور في رعب الهولوكوست الذي تعلم ضحاياه الدروس الخاطئة من النازيين واضطلعوا بدورهم في احتلال فلسطين. كان ديفيد بن غوريون ، بأي تفسير معقول ، هو المسيح ، لأنه فاز بإسرائيل كمكان للجوء والانتماء بعد قرون من المنفى ولم تطالب دولة اليهود بأي دولة منذ سقوط الأندلس عام 1492 ؛ لكن هذا لم يكن عزاءًا لمن ماتوا تحت آثار دباباته. إن مخاطر المثالية حقيقية للغاية. ولكن كذلك هي مخاطر الخضوع للسلطة والتواطؤ في الصمت في مواجهة الشر.

     أنا صياد للفاشيين ، وأخلاقي صياد. بالنسبة لي هناك اختبار بسيط لاستخدام القوة. من يملك السلطة؟

    خلال السنوات العديدة السعيدة التي قمت فيها بتدريس الطب الشرعي في مدرسة سونوما فالي الثانوية ، بدأت كل عام جديد في اليوم الأول من الفصل بعرض أسميه “أن تصبح نقطة انطلاق”. وضع شيء على مكتبي مع العالمين “هذه نقطة ارتكاز”. ثم وضع جسم مستطيل فوق ذلك ، “إنه يوازن ذراعًا. عندما يسألك والداك عما تتعلمه في فصل الطب الشرعي ، أخبرهم أنك تتعلم أن تصبح نقطة ارتكاز وتغيير ميزان القوى في العالم “.

     يبقى بيان مهمة معقولاً في الحياة ، وأنا أضع حياتي في الميزان مع كل أولئك الذين فرانتس فانون نا

29 مايو 2021 فلسطين وإسرائيل: دولة السلام

     يصمد السلام الهش في الوقت الحالي في العلاقات المتقلبة والفوضوية والمتغيرة بسرعة بين فلسطين وإسرائيل ، وبين هؤلاء الشركاء في تصورات أمريكا والمجتمع الدولي. إنها رقصة مضطربة للهوية والذاكرة والتاريخ تؤدى على الأغاني الغنائية لروايات الضحية ، الأغاني التي تغرينا وتشكلنا لخدمة السلطة والسلطة.

     قبل مرحلة العالم وشهادة التاريخ ، يمكننا أن نرى هنا في الوقت الفعلي عمليات وعواقب انقسامات الآخر الإقصائي والتسلسل الهرمي لنخبة الهيمنة في الثروة والسلطة والامتياز باعتبارها قوى إعلام وتحفيز وتشكيل أساسية لـ الإنسان والمعنى والقيمة.

     لأولئك منا الذين شاركوا في 10 مايو ليس في الدفاع عن الأقصى ، شيء من العظمة يصلح لموت الأبطال ، ولكن دفاعا عن العائلات في الصلاة التي هاجمتها إسرائيل والنساء والأطفال العزل الذين اصطادوا في متاهة من العصور القديمة المهجورة ، صرخات بلا جسد في أرض الخوف والظلام ، ولدت الانتفاضة الثالثة في تلك الليلة كأمل يتجاوز كسر العالم وعيوب إنسانيتنا من أجل إعادة التخيل ، والتحول ، والقوة التعويضية للحب للشفاء. الانقسامات حول الآخر الإقصائي وعلم أمراض انفصالنا ، والإمكانيات اللامحدودة لأن نصبح بشرًا.

     ما هي حالة السلام؟ كيف نجيب على هذا السؤال يتوقف على الأحكام القيمية الضمنية ويصبح بوابة راشومون للحقائق النسبية ، ومقياس لشخصيتنا. في هذا كما هو الحال في العديد من الأشياء ، أتذكر وصف مونيه لمعنى فنه كشكل من أشكال الميتافيزيقيا والبحث في روح البشرية ؛ “للإنسان عينان يرى العالم من خلالها. أحدهما ينظر إلى الخارج ، والآخر ينظر إلى الداخل ، وهذا التقاء هاتين الصورتين هو الذي يخلق العالم الذي نراه “.

      لذا يصبح سؤالنا كيف يبدو هذا من وجهة نظر شركائها فلسطين وإسرائيل وأمريكا؟

     أمريكا تتأرجح مع جو بايدن على أعتاب إدراك واسع ومروع. بأننا لأكثر من سبعين عامًا كنا رعاة للاستبداد وإرهاب الدولة ، وأن المسؤولية عن سلسلة المشاكل اللامتناهية التي شكلت شعوب فلسطين نتقاسمها جميعًا ودولة إسرائيل بالوكالة. إنه يوازي حسابنا القومي مع إرث العبودية وعدم المساواة العرقية والظلم النظامي الذي استيقظ مع احتجاجات حياة السود مهمة ، مثل حسابنا مع البطريركية والإرهاب الجنسي في حركة #metoo ، ونتيجة للرأسمالية لانقراضنا في الصفقة الخضراء الجديدة والحركة البيئية العالمية بقيادة صاحبة الرؤية غريتا ثونبرج.

      تغيير الصحوة والمد والجزر الذي لا تُحصى عواقبه الكاملة وإمكاناته لإعادة تخيل البشرية وتغييرها ، وتمثل حركات العدالة الاجتماعية السياسية والبيئية والمادية والجنسية والعرقية تحولًا حضاريًا كليًا وثورة في حقوق الإنسان العالمية والتي ستمثل يومًا ما تغيير وتجديد أفكارنا عن الإنسان والمعنى والقيمة.

    كان فرانسيس فوكوياما مخطئًا عندما توقع أننا نعيش في نهاية التاريخ. نحن نعيش في بداية تاريخ جديد. لكنه كان محقًا تمامًا عندما شخَّص مبادئ عملها في كتابه “نهاية التاريخ والرجل الأخير”. “كانت رغبة العبد المستمرة في الاعتراف هي المحرك الذي دفع التاريخ إلى الأمام ، وليس التهاون العاطل والهوية الذاتية التي لا تتغير للسيد.”

     آمل أن نكون في بدايات أن نصبح بشرًا. أخشى أن يتحول إرثنا التاريخي إلى أفخاخ وتزييف وروايات استيعابية واستعمارية قد تسرق فيها طغيان الهويات المرخصة أرواحنا. هذه هي مشكلة مرآة Hobgoblin المكسورة في Anderson’s The Snow Queen ؛ نحن ضائعون في عالم من الصور المشوهة والأصداء الملتقطة والأوهام. هذا أيضًا ، يجب أن نقاوم.

     إسرائيل عالقة في فكي تاريخها ، أسيرة نظام نتنياهو للفاشية الفاسدة من الدم والإيمان والأرض ، ولكنها أيضًا ضحية أصبحت مرآة قاتمة لمن أساء معاملتها. لقد تعلمت إسرائيل الدروس الخاطئة من النازيين. الخوف والقوة والقوة ليست الأشياء الوحيدة التي لها معنى ، ولا نعيش في عالم يكون فيه الحب بدون قوة فدائية.

     في حملته الواسعة للتطهير العرقي وقمع المعارضة ، وفي دبلوماسيته للإرهاب والمفاوضات بإطلاق الصواريخ ، يلعب نتنياهو مع ناخبيه من اليمين المتطرف كرئيس صوري لهم. لكنه ربما أخطأ في تقدير ردود الفعل الدولية. لقد تم استفزازه لفضح الطبيعة الحقيقية للاحتلال ، والقبعة البيضاء التي تمنحها روايات الإيذاء التاريخي آخذة في الانزلاق.

     لقد أنجزت الانتفاضة الثالثة أهدافها المتمثلة في تغيير السرد ، وكسر الدعم الأمريكي للعسكرة الإسرائيلية ، وتعزيز الدعم للمقاطعة ، وسحب الاستثمارات ، والعقوبات ، ونقل قضية عمرها عقود إلى مركز الصدارة ، وتوقيتها للتصويت على صفقة الأسلحة الضخمة الآن في الكونجرس. على الأقل هذه كانت أهدافي في أعقاب دفاعنا عن شعب فلسطين في الأقصى.

      آخرون من المدافعين عن فلسطين لديهم خططهم وأهدافهم ؛ بالتأكيد ظهرت حماس منتصراً واضحاً في النضال ، بعد أن استولت على السلطة من حكومة فتح في فلسطين من خلال الدفاع الفعال عن شعبها ، وجعل الانتخابات يرفض عباس وصفها بأنها غير ذات صلة. لقد قامت حماس بنزع الشرعية عن السلطة الفلسطينية ، ولطخت شراكتها مع الحكومة الإسرائيلية على أنها تعاون ، في حين أن الانتفاضة الثالثة ، التي تشنها حماس وكذلك العشرات من الفصائل الأخرى ، والقوات الخاصة من عدد من الحكومات الحليفة ، والمجانين مثلي ، قد دعت إلى يشكك في فكرة حل الدولتين.

     أقول هذا عن حماس وجميع الثوار. إن من يقف بين الاستبداد وإرهاب الدولة من الغزو والاستعباد والموت وحياة الأبرياء هو أبطال وأبطال إنسانيتنا. التفاصيل ليست ذات صلة.

     ألسنا حفظة أخينا؟

     هناك طريق إلى الأمام يتجاوز النموذج الثنائي التفرع للهوية المزدوجة. التخلي عن حل الدولتين وإعادة تصور وتحويل إسرائيل وفلسطين كدولة موحدة في ظل القانون العلماني ومصممة لحماية المساواة وحقوق الإنسان العالمية.

     توفر رعاية أمريكا المالية والعسكرية الهائلة لدولة إسرائيل رافعة كبيرة لتغيير ميزان القوى. أنا أؤيد حركة مقاطعة إسرائيل BDS عندما تعني السلام ونزع السلاح. يجب أن نمول أنفسنا ونشكل أنفسنا لغايات بناءة وليست هدَّامة ، وللحب بدلاً من الكراهية والأمل بدلاً من الخوف.

      نبني الديمقراطية في إسرائيل ونبني العدل والمساواة لأقلياتها ، تمامًا كما في أمريكا. أعتقد أنه يجب تحرير شعب إسرائيل من نظام فاشي من الدم والإيمان والتراب ، لأن المستفيدين من إرهاب الدولة والطغيان يخضعون له أيضًا. هذا هو التناقض الداخلي الكبير للسلطة الاستبدادية مثل الفاشية. إنه نظام يجرد من الإنسانية ويستغل حتى أولئك الذين يرتكبون جرائمهم ضد الإنسانية باسمهم كاستراتيجية للترخيص وصنع الموافقة ، ولماذا يجب أن يستهلك نفسه حتما.

     بينما تستعد إسرائيل لحلها النهائي لمشكلة فلسطين ، فإن أمريكا لا تفعل شيئًا. لا شيء لوقف الجرائم ضد الإنسانية ، وكل شيء لتزويد المجرمين بالسلاح وأنواع الدعم الأخرى. نحن نتحمل المسؤولية عن هذه الجرائم مع وكلائنا في إسرائيل.

     ادعى الأشخاص الذين عاشوا بالقرب من معسكرات الموت النازية أنهم لا يعرفون شيئًا عن الهولوكوست ، ولا شيء عن المطر الغزير من الرماد البشري الذي غطى مدنهم وصبغهم بجرائمه الصامتة. لكننا نعلم. كيف نجيب ونحن نعلم ولم نفعل شيئا؟


 20 במאי 2024 מקורות הרוע בפחד, כוח וכוח: שאלות קיומיות בצל רצח העם הישראלי של הפלסטינים, מכיוון שהעולם לא עושה דבר כדי להשתיק את גשם המוות

      כשישראל מדברת אליי בחלומות כאילו קול ההיסטוריה היה קולו של בן אדם אחד, היא לא עונדת פנים של ניצול איקוני של השואה ומשחרר המין האנושי מהאיומים הקיומיים של עריצות וטרור ומהטבעת הווגנרית של פחד, כוח וכוח שהיו לו פעם, אבל של דמותו של מרטין צ’טווין בסדרת הקוסמים, קורבן להתעללות מפלצתית שבאמצעות תפיסת השלטון הפך בעצמו למפלצת.

     יש לו קו שכמו חידת זן עוטפת ומאפיינת את מה שאצל עצמי היא השאלה העיקרית כיצד להפוך לאנושי בתנאי מאבק כפויים הדורשים שימוש בכוח בהתנגדות, כאשר השימוש בכוח חברתי הוא תמיד מעורפל, דה-הומניזציה, ומציית לחוק התנועה השלישי של ניוטון ככוחות תגובה דו-כיווניים שיוצרים אנטיתזה משלהם. “אתה יודע, כשהייתי ילד, אדם שנועד לטפל בי כופף אותי מעל השולחן שלו וקיבל אותי שוב ושוב בכל פעם הייתי לבד איתו. זה עוזר לי להבין אמת. אתה חזק או שאתה חלש.”

     הנה השקר המקורי של העריץ והפשיסט באפולוגטיקה ובהצדקה העצמית של הכוח; השקר שרק לכוח יש משמעות, שאין טוב או רע. אופן השימוש בכוח הוא בעל חשיבות שווה למי שמחזיק בו. פחד וכוח הם אמצעי עיקרי להחלפה אנושית, אך לא האמצעי היחיד; אהבה, חברות ושייכות חשובים לא פחות. השאלה הגדולה שעליה מנסה הדמוקרטיה לענות היא כיצד ניתן לאזן בין הזכויות והצרכים של יחידים כך שאף אחד לא יפגע בזכויות של אחר.

      זהו קו אשר לוכד בצורה מושלמת את הסתירות הטבועות בטבעת הוואגנרית של פחד, כוח וכוח כמקור הרוע; שכן השימוש בכוח חברתי הוא חתרני לערכיו שלו. עם זאת, התנאים המוטלים של מאבק מהפכני מצריכים לעתים קרובות אלימות, ועד שאלי החוק והסדר יופלו מכסאותיהם, אני חייב להסכים עם הכתבה המפורסמת של סארטר במחזהו “ידיים מלוכלכות” מ-1948, שצוטט על ידי פרנץ פאנון בנאומו מ-1960. למה אנחנו משתמשים באלימות, והפכו לאלמוות על ידי מלקולם אקס; “בכל דרך אפשרית.”

     כפי שכתב וולטר רודני ב-The Groundings with my Brothers; “אמרו לנו שאלימות כשלעצמה היא רוע, ושתהא הסיבה אשר תהיה, היא לא מוצדקת מבחינה מוסרית. לפי איזה סטנדרט של מוסר יכולה האלימות שבה משתמש עבד כדי לשבור את שלשלאותיו להיחשב זהה לאלימות של אדון עבדים? לפי אילו אמות מידה נוכל להשוות את האלימות של שחורים שדוכאו, מדוכאים, מדוכאים ומדוכאים במשך ארבע מאות שנים עם אלימותם של פשיסטים לבנים. לא ניתן לשפוט אלימות שמטרתה החזרת כבוד האדם ושוויון לפי אותו קנה מידה כמו אלימות שמטרתה לשמור על אפליה ודיכוי”.

     והנה הקטע שאליו הוא מתייחס מפי ליאון טרוצקי ב-Their Morals and Ours: The Class Foundations of Moral Practice; “בעל עבדים שבאמצעות ערמומיות ואלימות כובל עבד בשלשלאות, ועבד שבאמצעות ערמומיות או אלימות שובר את השלשלאות – שלא יגידו לנו הסריסים הבזויים שהם שווים בפני בית דין של מוסר!”

     אולם בהשתקפות אני חושב על אותן דמויות גדולות שהיו גם גיבורי שחרור וגם נבלי עריצות; נפוליאון, וושינגטון, סטאלין, מאו, הרשימה היא אוסף כמעט אינסופי של צרות וכישלונות ראייה שבהם עולמות חדשים אמיצים הפכו לגיהנום ולמדינות קרסראליות. לראיה אני מציע למדינות שהקימו; צרפת האימפריאלית, אמריקה, ברית המועצות, המפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית, ומעל לכל מדינת ישראל, חלום מקלט שנרקם באימת השואה שקורבנותיו למדו את הלקחים הלא נכונים מהנאצים ונטלו על עצמם את תפקידם בכיבוש פלשתינה. דוד בן-גוריון היה לפי כל פרשנות סבירה המשיח, שכן הוא זכה בישראל כמקום מקלט ושייכות לאחר מאות שנים של גלות והעמיים היהודיים בכל העולם שנתבעו על ידי שום מדינה מאז נפילת אל-אנדלוס ב-1492; אבל זו הייתה נחמה קטנה לאלה שמתו מתחת לפסי הטנקים שלו. הסכנות של האידיאליזם הן אמיתיות מאוד; אבל כך גם הסכנות שבכניעה לסמכות ובשותפות השתיקה מול הרוע.

     אני צייד של פשיסטים, ושלי הוא מוסר של צייד. מבחינתי יש מבחן פשוט לשימוש בכוח; מי מחזיק בכוח

    במהלך השנים המאושרות הרבות שבהן לימדתי זיהוי פלילי בתיכון עמק סונומה, התחלתי כל שנה חדשה ביום הראשון לשיעור בהדגמה שקראתי לה להיות נקודת משען; הנחת חפץ על שולחני עם עולמות “זהו נקודת משען.” ואז להציב עצם מוארך על זה, “זה מאזן מנוף. כשההורים שלך שואלים אותך מה אתה לומד בשיעור זיהוי פלילי, אמור להם שאתה לומד להפוך לנקודת משען ולשנות את מאזן הכוחות בעולם”.

     זה נשאר הצהרת משימה סבירה בחיים, ואני מעמיד את חיי באיזון עם כל אלה שפרנץ פאנון נא

med עלובי כדור הארץ; חסרי הכוח והמנושלים, המושתקים והמחוקים.

       כל מי שצד מפלצות חייב לזכור תמיד את האזהרה של ניטשה במעבר לטוב ולרע; “מי שנלחם במפלצות צריך להיזהר שלא יהפוך בכך למפלצת. ואם אתה מביט ארוכות לתוך תהום, התהום תביט בך בחזרה.”

       בסופו של דבר כל מה שחשוב הוא מה אנחנו עושים עם הפחד שלנו, ואיך

אנחנו משתמשים בכוח שלנ .

August 6 2023 The Wagnerian Ring of Fear, Power, and Force, and What Plato Got Wrong About Rule By Elites: the Case of Hiroshima

     Today is the anniversary of possibly the most terrible war crime ever perpetrated in the history of man’s inhumanity to man and a bitter monument to the collapse of values under the pressure of fear; Hiroshima.

     Though the litany of such atrocities would roll on endlessly like a song of despair and horror, there is nothing like America’s use of a weapon which cast men’s souls from their bodies and left their shadows etched upon the walls.

     As with all Defining Moments of humankind which have become negotiated truths and a ground of struggle for ownership of the stories of ourselves, memory, history, and identity as a prochronism or history expressed in our form of how we have adapted to change over vast epochs of time, there are really two stories here, which swallow each other like the Ouroboros of Time; the story of events themselves as lived and the Rashomon Gate of stories about these Defining Moments as witnesses of history and what Foucault called truthtelling or the sacred calling to pursue the truth. Stories, and the stories about the stories; and which has ahold of us at any given moment we cannot know.

     Hiroshima is such a Defining Moment and Rashomon Gate event, in which humankind is forever changed by our new capacity to annihilate ourselves. As Oppenheimer described it, quoting the Bhagavad-Gita; “I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

     How will we use such dread power, and how will the mere fact of its existence shape us and our future possibilities of becoming human?

     Is this the greatest war crime in history, and the measure of America as the furthest depths of human evil? There are many candidates for that title, however, as humans are cruel and our governments are monuments of force and control. Historically I would say the Mongol origination of biowarfare in catapulting the bodies of plague victims over the walls of the cities they wanted to conquer was also very wicked, and resulted in the population of Europe losing one in every four persons, possibly one in three, during the three hundred year terror of the Black Death. But if Hiroshima is the most terrible of crimes against humanity, it is because it is ours.

     The evils of which we are beneficiaries are always the most terrible, if only to us. Sadly, such evils are manifold and numberless; the Conquest and genocide of indigenous peoples of the Americas, slavery, Patriarchy, imperialism, and the culture of violence, militarism, toxic masculinity, and the fetishization of guns which sustains them.

    And we have neither renounced nor abandoned the use of such weapons. Indeed, we are making more, and more terrible. In this the true meaning of America to the rest of the world is undeniable and clear; we are a nation whose objective is imperial conquest and whose mission is the annihilation of the human soul.

    We can change this path we are on toward destruction and the subjugation of others simply and at any time; abandon the use of social force. A good beginning might be mothballing our nuclear arsenal and all weapons of mass destruction and terror, and disarming the police and other forces of tyranny, repression, and control.

     Which brings us to my theme today; unequal power is also violence. For the key to our bewildering transformation from an egalitarian democracy wherein universal rights and the autonomy of individuals is paramount to an authoritarian tyranny of force and control is that militarism and the fetishization of instruments of violence is enormously profitable and necessary to imperialism and a global hegemony of power and privilege. This requires an elite, which both profits from and creates the conditions of inequality in a recursive process.

     The fragmentation and class stratification of our free society of equals by hierarchies of exclusionary otherness into a vast precariat inclusive of prison labor as a national policy of the re-enslavement of Black people and theft of citizenship, and an elite hegemony of wealth, power, and privilege constructed on white supremacy and Gideonite patriarchy, is no flaw but a central and inherent design of our society, whereby authority centralizes power unto itself as a tyrannical subversion of Liberty.

     The horrific spectacles of open violations of our values and ideals, the perversions and aberrant performances of atavistic barbarism, and the arrogance of impunity of power of the years of the Fourth Reich’s capture of America and the regime of Our Clown of Terror, Traitor Trump, are direct consequences of this process of undemocratization, which began with the demonstration of federal power in the suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, in the global interventions of Manifest Destiny and the paramount dominion of our empire won by our victories in the World Wars, the disastrous co-optation of the Nazi elite in service to the projects of anticommunist imperialism and their capture of the Republican Party in 1980 in alliance with Gideonite fundamentalists, white supremacists, and plutocrats, and the failed attempt to shake off the host political system of the January 6 Insurrection.

     As proofs of this theory I offer here two examples; the emergence of a technocratic elite in the creation of a nuclear arsenal and of a medical elite whose purpose is to ensure the dominance of its own class and of social order, and which acts as an arbiter of what is real and what is mad, in the creation of a carceral regime of torture and thought control at Guantanamo and in secret prisons as a test laboratory for America and the world, in part a result of the inevitable imperial phase of America after 911 but which originates with the torturers whose escape from justice we abetted after the Second World War.

    In one of the founding documents of our civilization, The Republic, Plato argues that the achievement of virtue is only possible when society is mediated by an elite, philosopher-kings who are beholden to no one and independent of financial interest or influence, experts who may govern by reason. It’s an attractive idea, and one with a long reach; America charged Aaron Burr with treason over corruption, nepotism and bribery, results of an idea of the role of gentlemen in government embedded in the traditions of the British aristocracy.

    As Gramsci famously said, “Between force and consent lies corruption”. At the heart of this ancient debate about equality and the nature of the Good lies a simple and easily demonstrable truth; the rule of elites is always against the interests of its subjects, as it concentrates power rather than distributing agency among its citizens as co-owners of their government.

     If you wish to see what lies on the opposite side of democracy, just look at Hiroshima and Guantanamo, Wounded Knee and the 1921 Tulsa Massacre, or beyond America’s sphere of dominion and responsibility at political atrocities like the Holocaust, the Siege of Mariupol, Srebrenica, Xinjiang, or at any of the authoritarian regimes throughout the world today which sadly control most of humankind and scheme endlessly to conquer and enslave the rest; Putin’s Russia, Xi Jinping’s China, Modi’s India, and far too many others.

     Or to the collapse of the utopia Plato attempted to found by reimagination of the Empire of Syracuse, first by reconstructing the tyrant Dionysius the Second as a Philosopher-King and then by revolutionary seizure of power through his uncle Dion, both his students. This was the first Republic, whose failures and collapse Plato interrogates and fictionalizes in The Republic, the ur-source and founding document of democracy, wherein the sharing and use of social power is envisioned as a ground of struggle between liberty and tyranny.

    Why is this important to us now, this origin story of our civilization as a free society of equals born in the Forum of Athens?

      Because we today are witnesses to a parallel civilizational collapse from the mechanical failures of our systems’ internal contradictions and the legacies of our histories, caught in the gears of the great machine we serve like Charlie Chaplin in The Factory.

     Ours is a machine which runs on the recursive processes of fear, power, and force, forever defined by Hiroshima as its terminal limit. The psychopathy of power and the nihilism of force may be shadows which devour our ideals of the good as freedom, equality, truth, and justice as their originals, our forms and realities from which they are cast, but they are also the products of political decisions and historical processes and not natural and inherent conditions of our humanity. Nor is civilizational collapse an inevitable consequence of democracy.

     There are two obvious escapes from this dilemma; the redemptive power of love triumphs over fear and hate as motive forces and systemic harms, and seizures of unequal power restore balance in reply to structural harms. Plato tried them both, and both times failed; but he never tried both together as interdependent and parallel processes of change, as I propose herein.

     In the end all that matters is what we do with our fear, and how we use our power.

Hiroshima: Out of the Ashes full film

Hiroshima Mon Amour film

Dr. Strangelove trailer

Oppenheimer trailer

The Victims of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Hiroshima marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing – The Japan Times

Chaplin’s The Great Dictator

               Plato’s Republic, a reading list

Glaucon’s Fate: History, Myth, and Character in Plato’s Republic,

by Jacob Howland

Plato’s Republic, by Alain Badiou

The Fire and the Sun: Why Plato Banished the Artists, by Iris Murdoch

The Sovereignty of Good, by Iris Murdoch

The Open Society and Its Enemies – Volume One: The Spell of Plato, by Karl Popper


Plato’s Critique of Impure Reason: On Goodness and Truth in the Republic,

by D.C. Schindler

The Music of the Republic: Essays on Socrates’ Conversations and Plato’s Writings, by Eva Brann

Socrates’ Second Sailing: On Plato’s Republic, by Seth Benardete

Philosopher-Kings: The Argument of Plato’s Republic, by C.D.C. Reeve

The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, by Ernest Barker

       Hiroshima, a reading list

Black Rain, by Masuji Ibuse

Hiroshima, by John Hersey

Hiroshima Nagasaki: The Real Story of the Atomic Bombings and Their Aftermath, by Paul Ham

Hiroshima in America, by Robert Jay Lifton, Greg Mitchell

A World Destroyed: Hiroshima and Its Legacies, by Martin J. Sherwin, Robert Jay Lifton (Foreword by)

140 Days to Hiroshima: The Story of Japan’s Last Chance to Avert Armageddon,

by David Dean Barrett

Before the Fallout: From Marie Curie to Hiroshima, by Diana Preston

Hiroshima Traces: Time, Space, and the Dialectics of Memory, by Lisa Yoneyama

Black and Blue: The Bruising Passion of Camera Lucida, La Jetee, Sans soleil, and Hiroshima mon amour by Carol Mavor

Hiroshima, Mon Amour And Last Year At Marienbad: Two Screenplays by Marguerite Duras

February 8 2023 The Limits of Fear and Lies: the Republican Party Has No Story to Tell Beyond These Instruments of Subjugation, Division, Tyranny and Terror, and the Wealth, Power, and Privilege of Hegemonic Elites It Represents and Enacts

     The Republican Party is a political machine of amoral nihilism beneath the gilded mask of patriarchal Gideonite fundamentalist sexual terror and faith weaponized in service to power.

      Though our money has been branded In God We Trust implying divine authorization of wealth, power, and privilege and legitimation of the hegemonic elites who monopolize them as apex predators and the asymmetrical and unequal hierarchies of belonging and exclusionary otherness which our systems and institutions are designed to enforce and perpetuate, this does not make it true.

    Coequal with patriarchy as systemic oppression is white supremacist terror; both are forces of authorized identity and subjugation to authority. Insidious, pervasive, and endemic in our civilization, these parallel and interdependent evils are among the legacies of our history from which we must emerge if we are to realize the dream of America as a free society of equals.

     In the Republican rebuttal to Biden’s visionary and unifying State of the Union address, the vacuity and cruelty of the Republican Party and their organization of infiltration of the state and subversion of our values is exposed to all the world.

     This way lies madness, ruin, tyranny and terror, the loss of meaningful citizenship and universal human rights especially of Black and other nonwhite peoples and of women’s rights of bodily autonomy as property of the state in subjugation to men; falsification, commodification, and dehumanization.

     No matter what marginalized others or precariat are the initial targets of unequal power, regardless of who you begin with in division and exclusion which is the Republican Party brand and with all fascisms of blood, faith, and soil, you always end up at the gates of Auschwitz.

      Let us give to fascist tyranny and terror the only reply it merits; Never Again!

     This is the future the Republicans would damn us to, and it remains the primary mission of any democratic society to prevent as institutional liberty, equality, truth, and justice.

      Here in the Democratic Party’s State of the Union address and the Republican Party’s reply we have a chiaroscuro not of policies to achieve common goals as it should be, but of competing visions of who we are and wish to become.

     Who do we want to become, we Americans, we humankind? Masters and slaves, or a free society of equals?

      Let us answer hate with love, division and exclusion with diversity and inclusion, fear with hope, and tyranny and terror with liberty and Resistance.

     God Bless America; we’re really going to need it.

     As written by Samantha-Jo Roth in The Washington Examiner, in an article entitled State of the Union 2023: AOC rips GOP response to Biden address: ‘Insensitive and insulting’; “ Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union mirrored the booing and shouts of some of her House colleagues inside the chamber during his speech.

     Sanders, who was recently elected, told the public: “Biden and the Democrats have failed you,” drawing a stark divide between the two parties and highlighting what she called the “left-wing culture war.”

     “It’s unsurprising that Gov. Huckabee Sanders’s response was emotionally and thematically kind of in tune with how Republicans were behaving tonight,” she said during an interview with ABC News Live on Tuesday night. “Frankly, I think it was particularly insensitive and insulting.”

     In this moment when trans Americans have been under so much attack, it is disgusting, frankly, to have such a vulnerable community targeted on such a large platform and alluded to and insinuated to in this way, when they deserve dignity just like every American does,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

     In moments throughout the address, Republicans in the chamber shouted and protested the president’s remarks. Biden provoked fierce GOP pushback when he claimed that Republicans want to cut Medicare and Social Security.

     “I think it was quite surprising, quite shocking. Even under President Trump and his administration, we never saw such a contentious, heckled State of the Union, even when President Trump himself was advancing statements that many would have considered false,” she added.

     As written by James Downie in MSNBC, in an article entitled Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s State of the Union response condemned the entire GOP

Sanders’ affinity for alternative facts revealed the Republican Party’s long-term problems; “The State of the Union response is one of the toughest jobs in politics. Many rising stars have struggled to bridge the gap between two images: the president speaking to a joint session of Congress versus a lone politician talking to the camera or a small audience. Even the most talented politicians have struggled to pretend that the two realities are in any way equally impressive.

    It was appropriate, then, that this year’s English-language Republican response was given by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Arkansas’ new governor has plenty of experience crafting alternate realities for a national audience. In her two years as Donald Trump’s press secretary, up was down, “countless” FBI agents hated former director and Trump foe James Comey and separating immigrant children from their families was “very biblical.” But throughout her speech on Tuesday, Sanders’s affinity for alternative facts just underlined the Republican Party’s long-term problems in appealing outside its own base.

     For 15 minutes, Sanders conjured an America that more resembled a dystopian hellscape than a country that added 517,000 new jobs just last month. “Democrats want to rule us with more government control,” Sanders warned. “In the radical left’s America … you get crushed with high gas prices, empty grocery shelves, and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race.”

     “Most Americans simply want to live their lives in freedom and peace, but we are under attack in a left-wing culture war we didn’t start and never wanted to fight,” said the former Fox News commentator. “Every day,” she moaned, “we are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols.”

     Never mind that, from transgender rights and critical race theory today all the way back through McCarthyism and beyond, the right, not the left, has embraced culture wars. Even when introducing herself for politically knowledgeable viewers, Sanders insisted on a culture war framing: “I’m the first woman to lead my state. He’s the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can’t even tell you what a woman is.” The closest Sanders came to a true statement was her declaration that “the dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy.” And even that observation was only unintentionally correct.

     As MSNBC columnist Michael Cohen observed on Twitter, Republicans “have no economic or cultural message that appeals to non-Republicans and all they know how to do is preach to the converted.” Every year, the right-wing echo chamber that champions the culture wars that Sanders says they “never wanted to fight” becomes more closed off. The feedback loop tightens further; the lingo becomes more impenetrable to the outsider. In this reality, the military is too “woke,” Jesus is white, Christmas is constantly under attack, government censors like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are champions of free speech, and senior citizens should sacrifice their lives for America’s economy. 

     While such insularity does wonders for television ratings (well, some ratings), it’s not a recipe for political success. With a few more mentions of inflation, Sanders’s speech would have fit right in with Republicans’ message heading into the 2022 midterms. As we now know, Republicans greatly underperformed, in part because swing-state voters rejected the most extreme GOP candidates. One could say those voters chose “normal” over “crazy.”

     If Sanders had been interested in a different kind of speech, she could have looked at another speaker Tuesday: Rep. Delia Ramirez, D-Ill., who gave the progressive response to Biden’s address on behalf of the Working Families Party. The freshman representative, “the first Latina to serve in Congress from the Midwest,” didn’t eschew partisanship or shelter in bipartisan platitudes. But she also recognized that “we can’t depend on a party label as a reason to vote for us.” She framed issues like the high cost of health care not as choices between “normal or crazy,” but as real struggles facing working Americans. And when her voice broke as she spoke of her husband, “a Dreamer who has lived in the U.S. since the age of 14,” and the need for a pathway to citizenship and comprehensive immigration reform, even those who disagree with Ramirez on immigration could appreciate her plea.

     Ramirez, 39, and Sanders, 40, were born within a year of each other. But only Ramirez showed real leadership on Tuesday, speaking to Americans across the political spectrum. Sanders’ call for “a new generation of leadership in the Republican Party,” by contrast, only served to emphasize the toxicity of every generation of the party’s leadership. And until the right-wing information bubble bursts, that toxicity will remain strong.”

     As written by David Smith in The Guardian, in an article entitled Biden enjoys State of the Union reviews as Republicans stoke culture-war fire: President makes economic case to improve lives of working people while GOP opponents obsess over ‘hot-button’ social issues; “Joe Biden was basking in positive reviews of his State of the Union address on Wednesday after a night that exposed the gulf between Democrats and Republicans heading into the 2024 race for the White House.

     The US president used his annual primetime speech to tout economic achievements and emphasise his appeal to working families, criticizing billionaires who pay lower tax rates than the middle class and airlines that treat their passengers like “suckers”.

     But then Arkansas Republican governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, delivering her party’s response to Biden’s address, focused most of her remarks on “hot-button” social issues such as critical race theory and alleged big-tech censorship of conservatives.

     “While you reap the consequences of their failures, the Biden administration seems more interested in woke fantasies than the hard reality Americans face every day,” she said. “Most Americans simply want to live their lives in freedom and peace, but we are under attack in a leftwing culture war we didn’t start and never wanted to fight.

     “The choice is between normal and crazy,” Sanders added – a remark that critics said carried a different meaning from what she intended.

     They argued that it is Republicans who are obsessed with so-called “culture war” issues that are popular in rightwing echo chambers but have had limited utility in the past three election cycles.

     Matthew Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters for America, a media watchdog, tweeted: “Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ rebuttal to Biden’s State of the Union address was indistinguishable from a Fox News monologue and shows how the GOP has been poisoned by its relationship with the rightwing press.”

     Liberals also pointed to the heckling, hooting and jeering by Republicans in the House of Representatives chamber during Biden’s speech to make the case that the party remains obsessed by attention-grabbing stunts rather than substantive policy.

     Speaker Kevin McCarthy had warned his members against breaches of decorum beforehand, and made agonising facial contortions to quell them during the address, but in vain.

     The rowdy, disruptive approach appeared to backfire as, in a moment reminiscent of scenes more common in the British parliament, Biden relished engaging the hecklers head on regarding some Republicans’ threat of cutting social security and Medicare and, with facts on his side, came out on top.

     It was a moment that the president seemed to relish and gave some reassurance to Democrats that, at the age of 80, he has the energy and toughness to fight another gruelling election campaign.

     Kurt Bardella, a Democratic strategist, said: “Republicans, through their tantrums, ended up being the best visual aid that President Biden that the Democrats could have hoped for in bringing to life the contrast between the adults and the children.

     “It just shows again how tone deaf the Republicans have become that even after an election cycle in which they underperformed at a historic level they still have chosen to double down on a strategy that isn’t working for them and instead continue the embrace of immature, childish extremists.”

     For many observers, Biden’s sober appeal for bipartisanship to “finish the job” – a phrase he used at least a dozen times – in a newly divided Congress contrasted with the image of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, sporting a white fur, yelling “Liar!” from the back benches.

     His acknowledgment that, as a white man, he has enjoyed a privilege that the parents of Tyre Nichols – killed by police in Memphis – do not contrasted with Huckabee Sanders’ boast about banning “CRT [critical race theory], racism, and indoctrination in our schools” and “the use of the derogatory term ‘Latinx’ in our government”.

     And his focus on Republicans as potential partners rather than “Maga extremists”, as he has branded them in the past, contrasted with the choice of Huckabee Sanders, 40, a former White House press secretary under Donald Trump, casting doubt on the notion that Republicans are eager to “move on” from the former president.

     Bardella added: “The president focused his conversation on the issues that overwhelmingly all Americans care about and want to see Washington address, whether it’s the economy, inflation, healthcare, entitlement programmes.

     “The Republican response was about imaginary culture wars and imagined grievances about things that aren’t real. CRT isn’t actually a real thing. It’s not being taught in K-through-12 education. It never has. You’re inventing problems that don’t actually exist.”

     Culture war issues have benefited Republicans on occasion, for example in Virginia, where Glenn Youngkin won the race for governor with an emphasis on schools and “parents’ rights”. Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis, leading some polls for the 2024 Republican nomination, has defined his political identity around opposing “wokeness”.

     It is a strategy that fires up the base but rarely reaches beyond it. Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution thinktank in Washington, said: “They’re making a mistake by focusing on issues that are not central to people’s lives.

     “They’re stuck on the cultural issues. The cultural issues have certainly done well for them in the past but they’re not enough in and of themselves to deliver, particularly if there’s a good economy and people have jobs.”

     As written by Charlotte Kilpatrick in The New Statesman, in an article entitled The Republican response to Biden’s State of the Union shows they are fresh out of ideas: The American right is leaning into culture-war talking points rather than working out how to actually fix the country’s problems; “On Tuesday night (7 February) the US president Joe Biden fulfilled his constitutional requirement to, “from time to time”, inform Congress of the State of the Union and “recommend measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient”.

     In the annual address to the nation Biden predictably called for unity, and asked his Republican counterparts to work with him to find solutions to common problems. He spoke specifically about the economy, an infrastructure bill that will create new jobs, and reforms that have lowered immigration. The only real surprise was the president’s ad-libbed jabs at Republicans who shouted “liar” at him from the audience.

     In a pre-drafted rebuttal to Biden’s State of the Union, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the governor of Arkansas and a former Donald Trump press secretary, focused on the divisions in America’s political discourse by framing it as a struggle between “freedom” and a “radical left”. Instead of a choice between “right” and “left”, she said American voters face a choice between “normal” and “crazy”. Not once did she provide a concrete a policy solution to anything that ails the country. This is despite how, leading up to last night’s speech, Republicans ranked strengthening the economy as their first priority.

     The Republicans’ rebuttal fell to Sanders because she is a reminder of Trump’s Make America Great Again administration. She rehashed many of her former boss’s talking points: that America has been weakened by a “woke mob”, fixating on trans rights, the teaching of critical race theory in schools, and the Democrats’ alleged assault on freedom of speech. She also targeted Biden’s failures on standing up to China, the opioid crisis and on not closing the southern border.

      But she failed to heed what should have been one of the biggest lessons of Trump’s 2016 campaign success – that just telling people what you are against is not saying the same thing as telling them what you are for. The problem is Republicans don’t have anything concrete to present to the American people. Biden’s “weakness” towards China doesn’t mean much if you can’t describe what strength looks like, and compassion for victims of the opioid epidemic feels hollow unless you can propose something to do about it. Even though it was unfeasible, Trump’s initial promise to “build the wall” both tapped into a grievance and offered a solution. (See also “drain the swamp” and “lock her up” – they might have been impossible or undemocratic measures, but they were measures that many still rallied around.) Since the former president left office, Republicans have had a hard time coming up with anything tangible to ignite voters beyond their most loyal base.

     After years of substituting a policy platform for ideological clichés it’s hard to remember that the right used to stand for something. The Republicans were the party of small government, fiscal responsibility, Christian morality and strong foreign policy, who would maintain American dominance. The Republicans have lost that narrative. Their party leaders focus on telling voters who to hate, hoping that grievances alone will be enough to drag their supporters to the voting booths. But as last year’s midterm results proved, the electorate needs more than soundbites telling them the radical left is evil.

     This lack of a platform has led to a disintegration of the Republican Party. Although some of its politicians did not lose the opportunity to heckle Biden during his speech last night, the tensest moment of the night came when the Republican senator Mitt Romney told the disgraced right-wing newcomer George Santos that he didn’t belong in Congress. This follows last month’s embarrassing House leadership election when it took the Republican Kevin McCarthy 15 rounds of voting to be elected speaker, the most since 1859, because far-right Congress members in his own party splintered and demanded concessions. 

     If Republicans want to reclaim the White House in 2024 they need to figure out what they want to accomplish. Red baseball caps are great for some, but Making America Great Again only works if you know exactly what needs fixing and how you’re going to do it.”

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