April 8 2024 Transformative Rebirth and Metamorphosis in the Path of the Totality of Eclipse

Now is the hour of rapture and terror, for in the path of the Totality we are destroyed and recreated, liberated from our history and free to become as we ourselves choose.

     Among the limitless possibilities of becoming human, who do you want to become?

     From this moment forward, be your best and most true self, and perform this dream upon the stage of the world without fear or regard for the limits of the Forbidden as defined by others, authorized identities, or sanctioned ideas of virtue, for all of these are strategies of subjugation and theft of the soul by those who would enslave us through falsification, commodification, and dehumanization.

     Choose wisely, for as Kurt Vonnegut teaches us in Mother Night; “We become who we pretend to be.”

     Embrace the Chaos and the wrath of the Devourers of Frost and Old Night as they shadow our world, consume untruths, and bring transformative rebirth and metamorphosis as liberation and Awakening.

    Such events do not herald the end of the world, despite the madness of those who now gather in hope of being obliterated by a cannibal god in the Rapture in echo of Savoranola’s Bonfire of the Vanities of 1497 and the mass hysteria of the First Millenium, when many in Europe burned all their worldly possessions and awoke the next day to renounce faith in the lies, hierarchies of elite belonging and exclusionary otherness, and systems of unequal power which had betrayed and ruined them.

     No, my friends; the trauma of life disruptive events is balanced by the liberation of new beginnings, just as the terror of our nothingness may be balanced with the joy of total freedom.

    In a universe without imposed order, authority, being, meaning, or value, we are free to create all of these in our own image or abandon them like the toys of childhood, broken and lost among the carcasses of forgotten idols and tyrants, for order appropriates and there is no just authority.

   As written by Percy Bysshe Shelley in the poem Ozymandias:

“I met a traveller from an antique land,

Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;

And on the pedestal, these words appear:

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

     As I wrote on the occasion of a previous eclipse, in a time of great darkness and little hope, in my post of October 13 2023, Our World Is Destroyed and Recreated in This Ritual of the Black Sun Wherein Our Humanity Is Eclipsed By the Legacies of Our History; As the season of Halloween is signaled tomorrow by the new moon, it opens with a solar eclipse and the Ritual of the Black Sun as symbolized despair, abjection, grief, and fear, illuminated with great beauty and horror in Stanton Marlin’s study of the alchemical works of Jung in The Black Sun: the alchemy and art of darkness, William Blake’s Book of Urizen, and Julia Kristeva’s Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia, my three primary references on this subject.

     And this ritual of transformative rebirth occurs in the wake of the war crimes and atrocities of the Hamas terror attack on Israel, which now conclusively from plans and orders found on its slain perpetrators includes the planned mass murders and abduction of school children,

     There are two possible replies to an event of this kind, which disrupts and fractures systems of order on the positive side and violates our humanity as degradation and dehumanization on the negative like a Janus coin of mirror reversals; with fear and its mad children rage and violence, or with love and its praxis as compassion and mercy.

     To bring harm or healing, enforcement of virtue and the tyranny and terror of wars of imperial dominion and conquest and the centralization of power to authority and carceral states of force and control, or solidarity as guarantors of each others universal human rights and democracy as co owners of the state in a free society of equals.

     If we choose war in this moment, and America sends military aid to Israel as a sponsor and collaborator in the genocide of the Palestinians in retribution for this vast war crime and atrocity perpetrated by Hamas to fasten their political control of the people of Gaza, the Age of Tyrants has begun.

     If we choose peace and send humanitarian aid both to the people of Israel and of Gaza in the war of annihilation which is coming as Netanyahu gathers his forces to invade, we may yet have a chance for a future democracy to emerge in the region and globally as a United Humankind.

     Our best chance to heal the legacies of our history and reunite the peoples of Israel and Palestine is if they turn their backs on those who claim to act in their name, both Netanyahu’s regime and that of Hamas, and refuse to kill each other in service to the power of those who would enslave us.

     Let us send no armies to enforce virtue, and bring healing to the flaws of our humanity and the brokenness of the world.

     As written by Sahar Vardi in The Times of Israel, in an article entitled Dual loyalty: It’s so hard to have humanity here. It’s exhausting, and it feels like time after time the world is just asking you to let go; “We on the left are often accused of dual loyalty. And on days like this, I really feel it. Even if loyal isn’t exactly the right word here, as I’ll explain, the sentiment is right.

     In Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda market this morning, a street musician sang “Am Yisrael Chai” in a mournful register. The market itself was nearly empty and a woman was talking to her friend about her regular vegetable seller who was not allowed to come and open shop today. All stalls owned by Arabs are closed.

     On a street in the Rehavia neighborhood, families get out of two cars. Most of them were already crying, the rest with an indescribable sadness in their eyes, as they knock softly on the door of one of the houses. Family of someone who died? Of someone kidnapped?

     You open a video of a sanitation worker who was beaten in the city center because he is Arab and try not to avert your gaze.

     “Dual loyalty” is seeing both this and that with tears in your eyes.

     It’s that moment when you talk to a friend who doesn’t know whether their relatives are dead or kidnapped and what they should even hope for, and to see the helplessness, the fear, the deep pain. And a moment later, it’s talking to a friend from Gaza who can only say that every night is now the scariest night of his life; that he calculates his chances, and those of his daughters, of waking up alive the next morning.

     “Dual loyalty” is feeling the heartbreak of this and also of that.

     It is to hold this moment between the heartbreak and pain and shock over the total destruction of Nir Oz and to think about all the people there, and at the same time, to feel the horror over the impending total destruction of Shuja’iyya and to think about all the people there.

     It’s feeling the urge to donate blood and organize food packages for the south, and also to be in the West Bank village of Susia when settlers shoot any shepherd who dares to leave the village.

     Loyalty may not be the right word. It’s dual pain, dual heartbreak, care, love. It is to hold everyone’s humanity. And it’s hard. It’s so hard to have humanity here. It’s exhausting, and it feels like time after time the world is just asking you to let go. It’s so much easier to “choose a side” – it almost doesn’t matter which side, just choose, and stick to it, and at least reduce the amount of pain you hold. At least feel part of a group and less alone in all this.

     As if that’s really an option. As if we don’t understand that our pains are intertwined. That there is no solution only for the pain of Ofakim without a solution for the pain of Khan Yunis. And we know it and recite it, and feel the pain of it all over and over again.”

     As written by Mordecai Martin in Anti Racism Daily, in an article entitled How do I both condemn Hamas and support Israeli and Palestinian people?; “I started paying attention in earnest to Israel/Palestine politics when I went to study Hebrew on an Israeli kibbutz in 2005 before conducting religious study in Jerusalem for two years. I know deeply that Israel and Palestine are real places with real people, not a religious fantasy, political football, or exotic destination. I am sharing this response to hopefully get us closer to a world without violence in the Holy Land, where my fellow Jews are safely and happily living wherever they like, including in Palestine, and where the Palestinian people are doing likewise. It is an ambitious goal. I don’t really know if I believe my writing will have that outcome.

     But I will not begin with certain common cliches.

    I do not think it is necessary (or true) to say that I believe that the state of Israel, a state consisting primarily of Jews organized under the principles of Zionism, has any right to exist in the Holy Land. I don’t think that’s necessary to say because the Zionist state of Israel EXISTS regardless of my beliefs.

     I do not have to assert Jews’ right to self-determination. That right was exercised with the creation of the state of Israel. As an anti-Zionist Jew, I believe that the creation of a Zionist state that legally dispossesses Palestinian people was disastrous morally, culturally, and religiously. I spend my time in the Jewish community urging divestment from such a state.

     I do not think I have to condemn the murder of civilians by Hamas militants before considering condemnation of the murder of civilians by the colonial Israeli army. The universal condemnation of civilian deaths, regardless of the victims’ nationality, should be a given for us all, as it is for international law. International law is also clear that decolonization, including by armed struggle, is legitimate and that apartheid systems are not.

      There are also things I find necessary to say very clearly.

     We must take away the ability to kill civilians from any and all military actors, including Hamas and the Israeli army.

     I believe in the safety and well-being of all Jews, even those I disagree with. Because of my political beliefs, I am often accused in bad faith of not desiring safety for Jews.

     It’s necessary to say, “Free Palestine.” Palestinians, the people who have lived on the Holy Land from time immemorial, were forcibly removed from their homes for Jewish settlement. Palestinians are not free. They can not move about their country thanks to restrictions enforced by the Israeli army. They are dying the shocking deaths of those who live under apartheid. I demand their freedom and sovereignty in their land. Who do I demand it from? The only entity that currently claims political power, claims to represent my Jewishness, and receives the carte-blanche support of the United States government: the Israeli state.

      Many, many people hold space for both the victims of attacks by Hamas militants and the suffering civilians of Gaza. No one worth listening to says the human heart can only mourn for some but not others, that it’s only sad when Jews die, or only sad when Palestinians die. What we are really having a conversation about is the future of the Holy Land, whether it will grant democratic rights to all its residents, and what to do about the ongoing violence between the various parties that hope to benefit financially, politically, ideologically, from their “side” coming out on top.”

    Yet hope remains for transformative change, the fall of theocratic regimes and the emergence of secular democracy free from the legacies of our history, a history which in the bifurcated and fragmented states and national identities of the region divides one people into Israelis and Palestinians through fascisms of blood, faith, and soil in service to the power of tyrants and elite hegemonies of wealth, power, and privilege, systems of oppression which are our true enemies.

    A massive people’s protest movement has erupted both locally and globally, and this gives me hope that we may yet escape the Age of Tyrants, which I predict will unfold as six to eight centuries of totalitarian empires and wars of dominion ending with the extinction of humankind; with 92 to 98 percent probability.

     But the chance to salvage something of our humanity and our civilization of democracy and universal human rights does exist, however fragile and unlikely, if we can unite and act in solidarity as each other’s liberators and guarantors of a free society of equals. 

     As written by Alex Lantier in the World Socialist Web Site of the Fourth International, in an article entitled Mass protests erupt internationally against Israeli war on Gaza; “A week after Palestinians initiated an armed uprising against Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip, protests are erupting internationally against Israel’s war on Gaza.

     The fascistic regime of Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered 1.1 million Palestinians to flee Gaza City and go south, along roads bombed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Israel—which has now cut off Gaza’s water, fuel and electricity, and whose leaders call the Palestinians “human animals”—is targeting the Palestinians for genocide.

     As the scale of the crimes committed by the Israeli regime and its NATO allies has become clear, protests have erupted around the world in bold disobedience of media denunciations of Palestinians, police intimidation and protest bans.

     The most significant demonstration Friday took place in New York City, where thousands rallied to oppose the onslaught against Palestine, in open defiance of the unrelenting pro-Israel propaganda of the entire American political establishment and corporate media. In the center of world imperialism, home to the largest Jewish population of any American city, masses of people—including over 1,000 Jews—expressed their revulsion with the unfolding crimes in Gaza.

     Other protests on Friday involving hundreds of people were held in Pittsburgh, Portland and Washington D.C., with larger demonstrations planned across the US this weekend. Despite the efforts of the media and politicians to demonize all protests against Israel’s policies as “antisemitic” and to isolate those feeling sympathy for the Palestinians, opposition is building among workers and youth of all backgrounds. A 2021 poll found that one-quarter of American Jews consider Israel to be an “apartheid state” hostile to the Palestinians, a figure that will only continue to grow.

     Thousands also took to the streets in London once again on Friday, defying similar propaganda and threats from the British media and political establishment.

     A series of larger demonstrations also swept across the Middle East, involving hundreds of thousands of people. In Jordan, mass protests in Amman demanded the opening of Jordan’s border with the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Protesting crowds marched on the border with Israel, only to be turned back by Jordanian police.

     Large protests took place in Sanaa and Tehran. In Cairo, tens of thousands rallied outside the Al Azhar Mosque, chanting “Free Palestine.” Thousands defied a state ban to march in support of Gaza in Tunis. In Iraq, a country that has lost over one million lives after decades of US-led sanctions, war and occupation since the 1991 Gulf War, hundreds of thousands marched in Baghdad.

     Protesters in the Middle East are effectively opposing not only the Israeli regime, but also their own governments, which have betrayed the Palestinians for decades. The Arab bourgeoisie’s role is exemplified by the treachery of the Egyptian military dictatorship. Having signed a treaty with Israel in 1978, Egypt has now closed its borders to Palestinians trying to flee Gaza.

     In Israel itself, despite the ultra-reactionary political atmosphere fostered by Netanyahu’s government, which has now been joined by the official opposition, there is explosive discontent. Millions joined protests earlier this year against Netanyahu’s attempt to undermine the independence of the judiciary. The attack on the judiciary, as a letter titled “Elephant in the Room” from 3,000 predominantly Jewish intellectuals made clear, is intimately tied up with the conditions that led to the Hamas uprising.

     The letter states:

     (There is a) direct link between Israel’s recent attack on the judiciary and its illegal occupation of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Palestinian people lack almost all basic rights, including the right to vote and protest. They face constant violence: this year alone, Israeli forces have killed over 190 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and demolished over 590 structures. Settler vigilantes burn, loot, and kill with impunity. …

     There cannot be democracy for Jews in Israel as long as Palestinians live under a regime of apartheid, as Israeli legal experts have described it. Indeed, the ultimate purpose of the judicial overhaul is to tighten restrictions on Gaza, deprive Palestinians of equal rights both beyond the Green Line and within it, annex more land, and ethnically cleanse all territories under Israeli rule of their Palestinian population.

     All the major imperialist powers stand exposed by their support for Netanyahu and his war on the Palestinians. On Sunday, October 8, the heads of state of France, Italy, Germany, Britain and the United States pledged “steadfast and united support to the State of Israel,” and an “unequivocal condemnation of Hamas.” At a press conference in Qatar on Friday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken doubled down in condoning Israeli crimes.

     Asked by a reporter if Israel is “retaliating in a fury” and whether the US supports this, Blinken replied with total hypocrisy and double-talk: “What Israel is doing is not retaliation. What Israel is doing is defending the lives of its people. … I think any country faced with what Israel has suffered would likely do the same thing.”

     What message are the NATO powers sending? They aim to create on a global scale a new era of imperialist colonial rule. They brook no resistance to the Israeli state’s illegal, 16-year blockade of Gaza, its denial of food and medicine to the impoverished enclave, and its targeted assassinations of Gaza residents. If this united front of imperialist gangsters were to sum up its policy toward the Palestinian people in one phrase, it would be: “Slaves you were, and slaves you remain.”

     In a video released Friday, which has gone almost entirely unreported in the Western media, Hamas official Basim Naim summarized the background of Israeli oppression, which led to the October 7 rebellion.

     He said:

      We are speaking about a 75-year-old occupation that neglected and ignored all political and legal means to settle the conflict, where the Israeli enemy continued their policy of denial of the Palestinian people’s existence and their national rights. We have repeatedly warned during the past few months and years that the situation on the ground was not sustainable and that the explosion was only a matter of time.

     We have warned repeatedly about the Israeli continued violations in Al-Aqsa Mosque and their attempt to change its status quo in an apparent plan to divide the holy mosque spatially and temporally. We have also warned about the state terrorism implemented by the fascist settlers across the occupied West Bank. We have warned about the forceful expulsion of our people from Jerusalem. We have also warned about the systematic crimes against our prisoners, including women and children, in Israeli jails.

     And lastly, we have warned about the Israeli siege on Gaza for more than 17 years, which is a war crime that turned Gaza into the biggest open-air prison on earth, where a whole generation has lost all kind of hopes. But unfortunately, no one listened to these warnings, and the international community, especially the Western countries, continue to give Israel the cover at all levels to continue committing its crimes.

     In prosecuting their war against Gaza, the Israeli government and Western imperialist powers aim to obliterate this historical background and numb the population with wall-to-wall atrocity propaganda.

     While the deaths of Israeli civilians are undoubtedly tragic, the violence that took place occurred in the context of a massively oppressed people rebelling against a heavily armed oppressor. Even if one were to accept all the accounts of Palestinian violence, it only raises the question—what could lead to such violence?

     History judges differently the violence of a population rising up against oppression and the calculated resort to mass murder by capitalist state machines armed with vast military and financial resources. The imperialists have always claimed that the resistance of the oppressed to colonialism justifies their savage retribution. In exacting this retribution, they have always portrayed the oppressed as savages and murderers.

     In 1899, the Boxers revolted against the division of China into imperialist spheres of influence. Citing the Boxers’ killings of Christian missionaries and their seizure of foreign property, eight imperialist powers sent armies to sack Beijing and massacre the Boxers. Mounting conflicts between these powers over the division of the spoils in China led ultimately to the bloody Japanese occupation of China in the 1930s and 1940s, which cost nearly 20 million lives, provoking the 1949 revolution that ended colonial rule over China.

     In 1904, the Herero people in Namibia rose up against German colonial rule, killing more than 100 German settlers. The German army responded by carrying out the first genocide of the 20th century against the Herero, forcing them into deserts where they died of thirst, or imprisoning them in death camps prefiguring the extermination camps of the Nazi regime. In 2015, German officials formally acknowledged the genocide and offered a state apology.

      Netanyahu’s regime and its imperialist allies are resorting to similar methods against Gaza. However, the great anti-colonial struggles of the 20th century that broke out after the Russian revolutions of 1905 and October 1917 did not take place in vain. Among masses of workers and youth internationally, Netanyahu’s barbaric methods provoke outrage. This opposition will grow as the monumental scale of the crimes being planned and committed against Gaza become evident to ever broader layers of workers and youth throughout the world.

     The NATO powers’ other justification for backing Netanyahu’s crimes—that they are defending Jews and opposing antisemitism—is collapsing. In reality, they are supporting Netanyahu’s genocidal campaign against the Palestinians in a close alliance with political descendants of the forces that carried out the Holocaust.

     As the capitalist ruling elites plunge into barbarism, a mass movement is emerging in the international working class. Protests against imperialism and Zionism are erupting amid mounting global struggles of the working class. Strikes against exploitation, austerity, inflation and police violence shook all the major imperialist powers this year and will intensify in the weeks and months ahead.

     The liberation of Palestine is only possible in the context of the growth of a powerful socialist movement of the international working class, including within Israel itself. This will create the conditions for the overthrow of Zionist chauvinism and the unity of Palestinian and Israeli workers. The struggle against the war in Gaza must acquire a clear, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist character, mobilizing the working class in a struggle for socialism across Palestine and the Middle East and internationally.”

       In juxtaposition with this internationalist and revolutionary lens of vision are forces of reaction born of fear and trauma weaponized in service to power, the siren call of armed might and retribution as a form of security, but security is an illusion, and only love can reconcile these conflicted identities of Israeli and Palestinian and heal the systems of division and unequal power which are at the heart of this war which threatens to swallow us all.

    As written by Yuval Noah Harari in The Guardian, in an article entitled Israelis and Palestinians are facing their moment of greatest danger since 1948: There is still a slim chance of peace if wiser counsels prevail and other major powers intervene in a coalition of the willing; “Israel has just experienced the worst day in its history. More Israeli civilians have been slaughtered in a single day than all the civilians and soldiers Israel lost in the 1956 Sinai war, the 1967 six-day war and the 2006 second Lebanon war combined. The stories and images coming out of the area occupied by Hamas are horrific. Many of my own friends and family members have suffered unspeakable atrocities. This means the Palestinians, too, are now facing immense danger. The most powerful country in the Middle East is livid with pain, fear and anger. I do not have either the knowledge or moral authority to speak about how things look from the Palestinian perspective. But in the moment of Israel’s greatest pain, I would like to issue a warning about how things look from the Israeli side of the fence.

     Politics often works like a scientific experiment, conducted on millions of people with few ethical limitations. You try something – whether increasing the welfare budget, electing a populist president or making a peace offer – witness the results, and decide whether to proceed further down that particular path; or you reverse course and try something else. This is how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has unfolded for decades: by trial and error.

     During the 1990s Oslo peace process, Israel gave peace a chance. I know that from the viewpoint of Palestinians and some outside observers, Israeli peace offers were insufficient and arrogant, but it was still the most generous offer Israel has ever made. During that peace process, Israel handed partial control of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority. The outcome for Israelis was the worst terror campaign they had experienced until then. Israelis are still haunted by memories of daily life in the early 2000s, with buses and restaurants bombed every day. That terror campaign killed not only hundreds of Israeli civilians, but also the peace process and the Israeli left. Maybe Israel’s peace offer wasn’t generous enough. But was terrorism the only possible response?

     After the failure of the peace process, Israel’s next experiment in Gaza was disengagement. In the mid-2000s, Israel unilaterally retreated from the entire Gaza Strip, dismantled all settlements there and returned to the internationally recognised pre-1967 border. True, it continued to impose a partial blockade on the Gaza Strip and to occupy the West Bank. But the withdrawal from Gaza was still a very significant Israeli step, and Israelis waited anxiously to see what the result of that experiment would be. The remnants of the Israeli left hoped that the Palestinians would make an honest attempt to turn Gaza into a prosperous and peaceful city state, a Middle Eastern Singapore, showing to the world and to the Israeli right what the Palestinians could do when given the opportunity to govern themselves.

     Sure, it is difficult to build a Singapore under a partial blockade. But an honest attempt could still have been made, in which case there would have been greater pressure on the Israeli government from both foreign powers and the Israeli public to remove the blockade from Gaza and to reach an honourable deal about the West Bank as well. Instead, Hamas took over the Gaza Strip and turned it into a terrorist base from which repeated attacks were launched on Israeli civilians. Another experiment ended in failure.

       This completely discredited the remnants of the Israeli left, and brought to power Benjamin Netanyahu and his hawkish governments. Netanyahu pioneered another experiment. Since peaceful coexistence had failed, he adopted a policy of violent coexistence. Israel and Hamas traded blows on a weekly basis and almost every year there was a major military operation, but for a decade and a half, Israeli civilians could go on living within a few hundred metres from Hamas bases on the other side of the fence. Even Israel’s messianic zealots showed little zeal to reconquer the Gaza Strip, and even rightwingers hoped that the responsibilities involved in ruling more than 2 million people would gradually moderate Hamas.

     Indeed, many on the Israeli right saw Hamas as a better partner than the Palestinian Authority. This was because Israeli hawks wanted to go on controlling the West Bank, and feared a peace deal. Hamas seemed to offer the Israeli right the best of all worlds: relieving Israel of the need to govern the Gaza Strip, without making any peace offers that might dislocate Israeli control of the West Bank. The day of horror Israel has just experienced signals the end of the Netanyahu experiment in violent coexistence.

     So what comes next? No one knows for sure, but some voices in Israel are veering towards reconquering the Gaza Strip or bombing it to rubble. The result of such policy could be the worst humanitarian crisis the region has experienced since 1948. Especially if Hezbollah and Palestinian forces in the West Bank join the fray, the death toll could reach many thousands, with millions more driven from their homes. On both sides of the fence, there are religious fanatics fixated on divine promises and the 1948 war. Palestinians dream of reversing the outcome of that war. Jewish zealots like the finance minister Bezalel Smotrich have warned even Arab citizens of Israel that “you are here by mistake because Ben-Gurion [Israel’s first prime minister] didn’t finish the job in ’48 and didn’t kick you out”; 2023 could enable fanatics on both sides to pursue their religious fantasies, and re-stage the 1948 war with a vengeance.

     Even if things don’t go to such extremes, the current conflict is likely to put the last nail in the coffin of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The kibbutzim along the Gaza border have been socialist communes and some of the most tenacious bastions of the Israeli left. I know people from those kibbutzim who, after years of almost daily rocket attacks from Gaza, still clung to the hope of peace, as if to a religious cult. These kibbutzim have just been obliterated, and some of the last peaceniks are either murdered, burying their loved ones, or held hostage in Gaza. For example, Vivian Silver, a peace activist from Kibbutz Be’eri who for years has been transporting ailing Gazans to Israeli hospitals, is missing and likely held hostage in Gaza.

     What has already happened cannot be undone. The dead cannot be brought back to life, and the personal traumas will never completely heal. But we must prevent further escalation. Many of the forces in the region are currently led by irresponsible religious fanatics. External forces must therefore intervene to deescalate the conflict. Anyone who wishes for peace must unequivocally condemn the Hamas atrocities, put pressure on Hamas to immediately and unconditionally release all the hostages , and help deter Hezbollah and Iran from intervening. This would give Israelis a bit of breathing space and a tiny ray of hope.

     Second, a coalition of the willing – ranging from the US and the EU to Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority – should take responsibility for the Gaza Strip away from Hamas, rebuild Gaza and simultaneously completely disarm Hamas and demilitarise the Gaza Strip.

     There are only slim chances that these steps will be realised. But after the recent horrors, most Israelis don’t think they can live with anything less.”  


3 באוקטובר 2023 העולם שלנו נהרס ונברא מחדש בטקס הזה של השמש השחורה שבו האנושות שלנו מואפלת על ידי מורשת ההיסטוריה שלנו

       כאשר עונת ליל כל הקדושים מאותתת מחר על ידי הירח החדש, היא נפתחת בליקוי חמה ובטקס השמש השחורה כמסמל ייאוש, עצב, צער ופחד, מואר ביופי ובאימה רב במחקרו של סטנטון מרלין על האלכימיה. עבודות של יונג בשמש השחורה:

האלכימיה ואמנות החושך, ספר אוריזן של ויליאם בלייק והשמש השחורה של ג’וליה קריסטבה: דיכאון ומלנכוליה, שלושת ההתייחסויות העיקריות שלי בנושא זה.

      והטקס הזה של לידה מחדש טרנספורמטיבית מתרחש בעקבות פשעי המלחמה והזוועות של מתקפת הטרור של חמאס על ישראל, שכעת, באופן סופי מתוכניות וצווים מצאו את מבצעיה ההרוגים, כולל רציחות המוניות מתוכננות וחטיפת ילדי בית ספר,

      ישנן שתי תשובות אפשריות לאירוע מסוג זה, המשבש ושבר מערכות סדר בצד החיובי ומפר את האנושיות שלנו כהשפלה ודה-הומניזציה על השלילי כמו מטבע יאנוס של היפוכי מראה; עם הפחד והילדים המטורפים שלו זעם ואלימות, או עם אהבה ומעשיה כחמלה ורחמים.

      להביא נזק או ריפוי, אכיפת מידות טובות ועריצות ואימת מלחמות של שליטה וכיבוש אימפריאלית וריכוז הכוח לסמכות ולמדינות קרסראליות של כוח ושליטה, או סולידריות כערבים זה לזה זכויות אדם אוניברסליות ודמוקרטיה כשיתוף פעולה. בעלי המדינה בחברה חופשית של שווים.

      אם נבחר במלחמה ברגע זה, ואמריקה תשלח סיוע צבאי לישראל כנותנת חסות ומשתפת פעולה ברצח העם של הפלסטינים כנקמה על פשע המלחמה והזוועות העצום הזה שביצע חמאס כדי להדק את שליטתם הפוליטית בתושבי עזה, עידן הרודנים החל.

      אם נבחר בשלום ונשלח סיוע הומניטארי הן לעם ישראל והן לעזה במלחמת ההשמדה המתקרבת כשנתניהו אוסף את כוחותיו לפלישה, אולי עוד תהיה לנו סיכוי לדמוקרטיה עתידית שתקום באזור ובעולם. כמין אנושי מאוחד.

      לכוחם של אלה שישעבדו אותנו.

      אל לנו לשלוח צבאות לאכוף מידות טובות, ולהביא רפואה לפגמי האנושיות שלנו ולשברון העולם.


13 أكتوبر 2023 يتم تدمير عالمنا وإعادة إنشائه في طقوس الشمس السوداء هذه حيث تحجب إنسانيتنا تراث تاريخنا

       نظرًا لأن موسم عيد الهالوين يُشير غدًا إلى القمر الجديد، فإنه يبدأ بكسوف الشمس وطقوس الشمس السوداء التي ترمز إلى اليأس والذل والحزن والخوف، مضاءة بجمال ورعب عظيمين في دراسة ستانتون مارلين للكيمياء. أعمال يونغ في الشمس السوداء:

الكيمياء وفن الظلام، وكتاب أوريزن لوليام بليك، وكتاب جوليا كريستيفا الشمس السوداء: الاكتئاب والكآبة، مراجعي الأساسية الثلاثة حول هذا الموضوع.

      وتحدث طقوس النهضة التحويلية هذه في أعقاب جرائم الحرب والفظائع التي ارتكبتها حماس في هجومها الإرهابي على إسرائيل، والذي وجد الآن بشكل قاطع من الخطط والأوامر أن مرتكبي القتلى يشملون عمليات القتل الجماعي المخطط لها واختطاف أطفال المدارس،

      هناك إجابتان محتملتان لحدث من هذا النوع، الذي يعطل ويكسر أنظمة النظام على الجانب الإيجابي وينتهك إنسانيتنا باعتباره تدهورًا وتجريدًا من الإنسانية على الجانب السلبي مثل عملة يانوس ذات الانعكاسات المرآة؛ بالخوف وأطفاله المجانين الغضب والعنف، أو بالحب وممارساته كالرحمة والرحمة.

      لجلب الضرر أو الشفاء، وإنفاذ الفضيلة والطغيان والإرهاب من خلال حروب السيطرة والغزو الإمبريالي ومركزية السلطة في أيدي السلطة والدول الجهنمية للقوة والسيطرة، أو التضامن كضامنين لحقوق الإنسان العالمية والديمقراطية كشريكين مشتركين. أصحاب الدولة في مجتمع حر متساوين.

      إذا اخترنا الحرب في هذه اللحظة، وأرسلت أمريكا مساعدات عسكرية إلى إسرائيل باعتبارها راعية ومتعاونة في الإبادة الجماعية للفلسطينيين انتقاما لجريمة الحرب الهائلة والفظائع التي ارتكبتها حماس لإحكام سيطرتها السياسية على شعب غزة، لقد بدأ عصر الطغاة.

      إذا اخترنا السلام وأرسلنا المساعدات الإنسانية إلى شعب إسرائيل وقطاع غزة في حرب الإبادة القادمة بينما يجمع نتنياهو قواته للغزو، فقد تكون لدينا فرصة لظهور ديمقراطية مستقبلية في المنطقة والعالم. كبشرية موحدة.

      إن أفضل فرصة لدينا لشفاء إرث تاريخنا وإعادة توحيد شعبي إسرائيل وفلسطين هي أن يديروا ظهورهم لأولئك الذين يزعمون أنهم يتصرفون باسمهم، سواء نظام نتنياهو أو نظام حماس، وأن يرفضوا قتل بعضهم البعض في الخدمة. إلى قوة أولئك الذين يستعبدوننا.

      دعونا لا نرسل جيوشًا لفرض الفضيلة، وشفاء عيوب إنسانيتنا وانكسارات العالم.

Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah (Live In London)

Mother Night, Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Year 1000: What life was like at the turn of the first millenium, by Robert Lacey


Dual Loyalty, Sahar Vardi


How do I both condemn Hamas and support Israeli and Palestinian people?, Mordecai Martin


Mass protests erupt internationally against Israeli war on Gaza

Israelis and Palestinians are facing their moment of greatest danger since 1948,

Yuval Noah Harari

The Black Sun, Julia Kristeva                     


The Black Sun: the alchemy and art of darkness, Stanton Marlan


The Book of Urizen, William Blake


Images of the Black Sun: Notes on the relationship between Heinrich Heine and Gérard de Nerval, Ralph Häfner


     Savoranola and the Bonfire of the Vanities, a reading list

(illuminating as an iconic burning of the books, before the Nazis did it and America’s Republican Party does now in imitation of Nazi terror)

The Burning of the Vanities: Savonarola And the Borgia Pope, Desmond Seward

Fire in the City: Savonarola and the Struggle for the Soul of Renaissance Florence, Lauro Martines


Death in Florence: The Medici, Savonarola, and the Battle for the Soul of a Renaissance City, Paul Strathern


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