June 18 2024 Red Triangle Day: Anniversary of Trump’s Open Declaration of Nazi Allegiance in Using a Symbol of the Holocaust to Launch His 2020 Re-Election Campaign

     On this day four years ago the Fourth Reich regime which had captured America shed its mask and its fig leaf of legitimacy spun of lies and illusions as Trump with feral malice and the arrogance of power chose to launch his re-election campaign using the inverted Red Triangle worn by political prisoners of the Nazi death camps in reference to his own political opponents and to Antifa, to my knowledge the only force in our century to ever defeat in battle and on its own ground the United States of America as a captured state of the Fourth Reich and its terror forces of combined federal secret police of Homeland Security and their disavowable assets of white supremacist terror which included the Oathkeepers militia of former military and police.

      The Red Triangle became a symbol of liberation and victory over fascism and tyranny as well as Resistance when the Triumvirate of Trump, Barr, and Wolf declared the defeat of their regime and officially ceded federal control of New York, Seattle, and Portland to the people as Autonomous Zones.

     It has also been adopted as a symbol of Resistance and liberation struggle by the bold young rebels occupying our university campuses in the divestiture protests and in Palestine itself, whose meaning outsiders confuse and make ambiguous.

     In the context of Palestinian Resistance and liberation struggle, its direct origin is the flag of the 1916 Arab Revolt, whose colours were adopted from the 13th-century Arab poet Safi al-Din al-Hili;

“Ask the high rising spears, of our aspirations

Bring witness the swords, did we lose hope

We are a band, honor halts our souls

Of beginning with harm, those who won’t harm us

White are our deeds, black are our battles,

Green are our fields, red are our swords.”

     Red are our swords; become a symbol of Palestinian national identity and the cause of Arab unity throughout over a century of wars, it has also fused with the Red Triangle as a symbol of Antifascist Resistance, of anticolonial and revolutionary struggle, and of independence movements through the alliances and networks of Left solidarity and action which have propagated since the Second World War. This is especially true of the Marxist and former Soviet allied Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine founded by George Habash, which re-aligned with Hamas and Hezbollah versus both Arafat’s PLO-Fatah and Israel after the fall of the Soviet Union.

     I will be wearing my Red Triangle, assigned by the Nazis to political prisoners including social democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, anarchists, gentiles who assisted Jews, trade unionists, and Freemasons, as a badge of honor and victory in the liberation of the Autonomous Zones, a symbol of Antifa, in honor of all the victims of the Holocaust yet to be avenged, and as a promise to all those throughout the world yet to be liberated from fascism and tyranny.

     This I do as a sign of solidarity with all those whom Frantz Fanon called The Wretched of the Earth; the powerless and the dispossessed, the silenced and the erased. As Benjamin Franklin demonstrated so ably with his bundle of arrows, paraphrasing the founder of the Iroquois Confederacy Tadadaho Canasetoga the Peacemaker, “One arrow can easily be broken; many arrows together are unbreakable”. 

      Let the Red Triangle signal to those who would enslave us; We are many, we are watching, and we are the future.

     As I wrote in my post of September 24 2020, Leading the Charge Into the Future: the New York , Portland, and Seattle Autonomous Zones; In accord with Trump’s directive, the US Department of Justice has designated three cities, including Seattle, Portland, and New York City, as “anarchist” jurisdictions, officially ceding control to the free peoples who have seized their birthright and returned private property to the commons from which it was stolen and legitimacy from the government which has squandered it.

    Henceforth let us call those cities for which power and ownership has been transferred to us by the President of the United States, Attorney General William Barr, and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, by their true names; the New York, Seattle, and Portland Autonomous Zones.

    May they be the first of many, throughout America and the world.

     As I wrote in my post of June 18 2020, Beneath the Republican Mask: Treason, Racism, Untruth, Misogyny, Predator; Mark of the Red Triangle;  Thanks for showing us what’s under your masks, Republicans; Treason, Racism, Untruth, Misogyny, Predator.

     Just when we thought there was no depravity which remains unexplored by our Clown of Terror, no violation of American values or degradation of humanity yet unseen in the outrages and mad performances of Traitor Trump, he launches his re-election campaign using symbols of the Holocaust.

     If there was any doubt as to his true motives and intentions in his relentless and savage campaign to subvert democracy and seize authoritarian power as tyrant of a regime of white supremacist terror, this open declaration of Nazi allegiance should erase all doubt.

     All that remains is for each of us to choose if we will face judgement and the witness of history with or against fascism and tyranny. Which future shall we leave for the next generation as our legacy?

     As Eoin Higgins writes in Common Dreams, in an article entitled Their Masks Are Off’: Facebook Removes Trump Ads Using Nazi Concentration Camp Symbol Used to Signify Political Prisoners; “Nazis used the red triangle to mark political prisoners and dissidents, and now Trump and the RNC are using it to smear millions of people protesting racist police violence.

     Social media giant Facebook on Thursday took a rare step of intervening in the platform’s political discourse by removing ads run by President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign using symbols from Nazi concentration camps after sustained outcry from advocacy groups.

     “Public outcry works,” tweeted Jewish advocacy group Bend the Arc: Jewish Action. “But the Trump campaign must be held accountable for its bigotry—and so must Facebook for enabling it.”

     The president’s campaign used an inverted red triangle in an ad to represent antifa, or antifascism, but as critics immediately pointed out, the symbol has an extremely dark and fascist past.

     According to the Washington Post; “A red inverted triangle was first used in the 1930s to identify Communists, and was applied as well to Social Democrats, liberals, Freemasons and other members of opposition parties. The badge forced on Jewish political prisoners, by contrast, featured a yellow triangle overlaid by a red triangle.”

     “We removed these posts and ads for violating our policy against organized hate,” Facebook spokesman Andy Stone told the Post. “Our policy prohibits using a banned hate group’s symbol to identify political prisoners without the context that condemns or discusses the symbol.”

     In a statement, Bend the Arc CEO Stosh Cotler said that “Trump and his cronies have used carefully-targeted antisemitic rhetoric and imagery to go after their opponents, while inciting violence against Jewish and Muslim people, immigrants, Black people, and people of color.”

     “Make no mistake, the President of the United States is campaigning for reelection using a Nazi concentration camp symbol,” Cotler said. “Nazis used the red triangle to mark political prisoners and dissidents, and now Trump and the RNC are using it to smear millions of people protesting racist police violence. Their masks are off.”

     And now Trump is running once again in hope of completing his mission of subversion of democracy and the degradation of America into a theocratic white ethnostate. While his ally Netanyahu demonstrates for us all Trump’s  vision of a future America, and the horrific consequences of theocracy, tyranny, and wars of genocide and ethnic cleansing perpetrated in the name of fascisms of blood, faith, and soil.

    Let us remember and never forget in all of history the flaws in our systems which he has exposed and leveraged and the crimes against the ideals and institutions of a free society of equals and our universal human rights he has perpetrated.

     Remember, and bring a Reckoning.


Nazi concentration camp badge: the Red Triangle for Political Prisoners


What does the inverted red triangle used by some pro-Palestinian demonstrators symbolize?

It’s become synonymous with the protest, but the symbol long predates it


Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine


One small, red triangle: Palestine, we are finally looking

Flag of Palestine


                    Historical and Political Contexts: Palestine

Palestinian Cultures of Resistance, Michael Lavalette  

The French Resistance Against Nazi Occupation : A Model For Palestinian Resistance, GEW Reports and Analyses Team, Hichem Karoui (editor)                 

Hamas: A History from Within, Azzam S. Tamimi

Hamas: Political Thought and Practice, Khaled Hroub


Unsilencing Gaza: Reflections on Resistance, Sara Roy


Deluge: Gaza and Israel from Crisis to Cataclysm, Jamie Stern-Weiner



The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories,

Ilan Pappé


Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom, Norman G. Finkelstein


Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics, Marc Lamont Hill, Mitchell Plitnick


Palestine: A Socialist Introduction, Sumaya Awad (Editor), Brian Bean (Editor)


Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights,

Omar Barghouti


Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History, Nur Masalha


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